Презентацiя на тему "Easter"

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Презентацiя на тему "Easter" Презентацiя на тему "Easter" Презентацiя на тему "Easter" Презентацiя на тему "Easter"
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Resurrection of Christ - Established in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the center of all biblical history and the basis of all Christian teaching. Currently, the date of Easter in each specific year is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar, which makes Easter a movable holiday.

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Preparing for Easter. Preparations for Easter begin a week before, which is called Holy or White. On Maundy Thursday, it was customary to clean the house, decorate icons with festive towels, and also to bathe the whole family before sunrise in running water, which supposedly washes away all sins and illnesses from a person. On Thursday, housewives began to prepare the main dishes of the Easter table: ritual bread, painted or decorated eggs, an Easter basket for blessing in the church.

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Easter cake. Traditionally, easter cake is baked on Thursday, because doing so on Friday is considered a great sin. They say that if you bake easter cake on Friday, it will not rise, and this will have a negative impact on the future of the entire family: throughout the year, the family will be haunted by bad luck and even, perhaps, one of the relatives will die. It is considered a very good omen if the Easter cake turns out tall and is baked well. This symbolizes happiness and well-being of the whole family. When the paska was ready, they began to decorate it. The top of the Easter cake was decorated with flowers made of dough, bird figures and spirals - a symbol of the sun. It is customary to make from five to ten Easter cakes in order to later treat all relatives and friends, congratulating them on Easter.

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Painted eggs. Another special tradition was painting eggs. Painted eggs have long been considered a symbol of the rebirth of life, nature and the sun. Previously, eggs were painted using natural materials. Homemade paints from bark and fruits of trees, herbs and flowers were used. Each type of egg decoration received its own name. Thus, Easter eggs painted in an onion are called Easter eggs. Drapanky are painted with a needle, and pysanky are eggs decorated with ancient signs using wax and dyes. A special device, a pysachka, was used to paint the latter. The variety of pysankarstva techniques usually differed from region to region of Ukraine.

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Easter basket. An Easter basket was always collected for the church. Usually, its contents differ from region to region in Ukraine and have their own peculiarities. The only unchangeable attribute is the paska. In addition to paska, in Central Ukraine, Easter eggs in shells were put into the basket, and in Galicia, they were peeled. In the Hutsul region, the water in which the eggs were boiled was blessed: according to legend, if a person washes their face with this water, their face will be clean and healthy. In some regions, water with a red pysanka was also blessed, so that later they could wash themselves for beauty. The basket includes sausage, lard, bread, butter and cheese, as well as items such as crosses, medallions, icons and various amulets. The basket is covered with a towel on top.

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Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday is traditionally celebrated by the whole family at a large table with Easter dishes. Family members usually have to share one Easter bread and an Easter egg among themselves. It is believed that this custom bestows a "good fate" - happiness, fortune, talent to each family member. Big Sunday should be celebrated with bright thoughts, because this holiday symbolizes the purification of the soul and deliverance from sins. On this day, you cannot swear, all offenses should be forgiven and forgotten. You should not work or do household chores.

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Easter celebrations end with visiting the graves of relatives. It is believed that on Easter God opens heaven and hell so that the souls of deceased ancestors can visit their relatives, and all Easter week they are on earth next to the living.

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