Aim of the lesson 1) to develop grammar and lexical skills; 2) to master dialoguе speech; 3) to improve habits of writing and reading
Task 1. Revising vocabulary name the desease
Task 2 Presenting new lexical material
Еarache /ˈɪəreɪk/біль/ у вусі
Flue |fluː| застуда, грип
Fever /ˈfiː.vər| гарячка
Sneeze |sniːz| - чхати
backache |ˈbækeɪk/ біль у спині
Task 3. Reading“Good doctor”After reading activity: say if the statements are true or false
Task 4. Grammar(modal verb SHOULD)
Now I can …I liked…I didn’t like…I enjoyed…It was interesting / funny /unforgettable…It was difficult….
Homework: Ex. 1,2 p.62 AB
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