Презентація на тему " The most famous invention"

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Презентація до уроку англійської мови на тему: "The most famous invention". Містить цікаву інформацію про винаходи людства, що дозволяє доповнити і урізноманітнити заняття під час вивчення нового лексичного матеріалу з теми, а також використовувати при вивченні чи повторенні теми з граматики "Past Simple"
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the most famous invention

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The American developed a plan to reduce the cost of lamp production. In 1880, he patented his invention - the first electric light bulb with a long service life. Edison developed and established the industrial production of lamps and components: cables, electric meters, generators. Electric lamp

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Telephone. The creation of the first telephone in the world is recorded in 1876, when a patent was applied for an invention that revolutionized the scientific world. The principle of operation of the telephone was described 20 years before this event in Charles Bursel's dissertation, and only Bell was able to implement and patent the sound transmission using electricity.

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Computer. The first machine designed by Babbage, the differential engine, was powered by a steam engine. She calculated tables of logarithms and recorded the results on a metal plate. A working model he created in 1822 was a six-digit calculator capable of performing calculations and printing numerical tables.

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Battery. Alessandro Volta was the first to take a step towards creating batteries, but he did not guess how to make the rechargeable galvanic cell he received. Another German scientist, Wilhelm Zinsteden, observed the effect of obtaining a direct current when lead plates were immersed in sulfuric acid, but did not draw conclusions from this that can be applied in practice.

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Glasses. Glasses were used as a kind of optical device in the 13th century. The first mention of the properties of spherical glass belonged to the Arab scientist Ibn al-Haysama. Already in the 10th century, he very closely explained the peculiarity of the refraction of light rays through such glasses and believed that when looking through a segment of a glass sphere, objects are magnified.

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Electric motor. The first electric motor with rotation of the working shaft was created in 1834 by the physicist and academician Boris Jacobi. But for the first time, the idea of ​​creating a more modern electric motor with rotary motion was expressed by the English scientist V. Ricci back in 1833. The Jacobi engine consisted of two groups of electromagnets. The polarities of the moving electromagnets were alternately changed by means of a special commutator. The principle of this device is used in some modern electric motors.

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Clock. Egyptians and Mesopotamians are called the inventors of the sundial. They were the first to count time: they divided a year into 12 months, day and night into 12 hours, an hour into 60 minutes, a minute into 60 seconds. However, during the year the sun set and rose differently, and the clock began to "lie".

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Photography. The first photograph in history was taken in 1826 by the Frenchman Joseph Nicephore Niéps. He used a camera obscura and asphalt, which hardens in places exposed to the sun. He covered a metal plate with a thin layer of bitumen and for 8 hours. photographed the view from the window of the workshop where he worked. The image turned out to be of poor quality, however, it was the first photograph in the history of mankind in which the outlines of real objects could be distinguished.

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Telegraph. In 1816, the American Samuel Morse invented the telegraph, which worked due to the supply and interruption of electric current. Morse sent his developed system of signs encoded in electrical impulses - the Morse code - over wires. At the end point, a lever pin controlled by an electromagnet fixes these marks on the paper.

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Compass. Several types of compass were invented in the 11th century by the Chinese scientist Shen Gua, who worked a lot on researching the properties of the magnetic needle. He suggested magnetizing a natural magnet to an ordinary sewing needle, then attaching it with wax in the center of the body to a free-hanging silk thread.

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