Презентація Power Point "Queen Elizabeth II"

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Презентація Power Point, що містить біографічні матеріали про королеву Великої Британії Єлизавету ІІ
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(Elizabeth Alexandra Mary)

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Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary) was born on April 21, 1926. Her birthday is officially celebrated in Britain on the 3rd Saturday of June each year. Queen Elizabeth II is a 'constitutional monarch'. Іt means that although she is officially the head of the state, the country is actually run by the government, led by the Prime Minister. The Queen lives at Buckingham Palace. Her Majesty The Queen's title in the United Kingdom is: 'Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God the queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'.

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Her father George VI became the King in 1936 after his brother’s abdication and his elder daughter became the heir of the British throne.

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When there were the most difficult days of the war for Britain and the government recommended the Queen’s mother to send princesses to America, she replied: "My daughters will remain with me. I will stay with the king and the king in any case will remain with his country! “ So the future queen went to the Army where she worked as a mechanic-driver.

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On July 9, 1947, the Palace announced that Prince Philip of Greece and Princess Elizabeth of Great Britain were officially engaged. Philip was 26; Elizabeth, 21. The wedding was set for November 20, 1947, at Westminster Abbey.

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Six years later King George VI died. Elizabeth and Philip returned to Britain for Elizabeth to be crowned the Queen. The coronation was held on June 2, 1953 and televised, at Elizabeth’s request. Twenty million viewers watched the seven-hour BBC-TV marathon.

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The Queen is a constitutional monarch, she reigns but doesn’t rule. She represents her country all over the world, meets politicians and leaders of different countries.

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Every year the Queen and Duke Of Edinburgh Attend The State Opening Of Parliament. The Queen's birthday parade is the biggest royal event of the year.

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She likes to spend time with her family. She has 4 children: 3 sons (Charles, Andrew and Edward) and a daughter Anne.

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Buckingham Palace is the queen's official residence in London. Nowadays, Buckingham Palace is used not only as a residence for the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh but for the administrative affairs. There are more than 600 apartments and rooms in the Palace, Her Majesty's guests receive official visits to the Palace. During summer, the change of guards takes place in front of Buckingham Palace.

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Buckingham Palace, watched by an appreciate crowd and lots of digital cameras.

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The Queen adores her dogs. Usually she has 5 or 6 dogs. They have their own room in Buckhingham Palace and a special servant to look after them.

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She is one of the richest women in the world. She has one of the most beautiful and expensive collection of jewellery.

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She has a large collection of hats.

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By the way, the Queen has many other hobbies. She likes gardening and enjoys Derby.

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She is the real symbol of Britain. That’s why there are many TV programmes, documentaries about her. In 2006 the film about Queen’s life was screened in the USA. The actress Helen Mirren who played the main part received many awards and Oscar.

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