Уявна мандрівка в старовинне місто Стретфорд-на-Ейвоні для учнів 9 класу допоможе краще запам'ятати визначні місця та поринути в епоху життя і творчості В. Шекспіра
STRADFORD -ON - AVON This presentation was prepared by Anastasia Bugaichuk
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Stratford - on - Avon is a beautiful town in the centre of England The city was founded in 1196 and it is located on the river Avon
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a city map
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the house of W. Shakespeare. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23, 1564. Fans of his work began to come here since 1616, after Shakespeare's death
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The architecture of the house is typical for that time. The first floor there is a living room with a fireplace. Also on the first floor is the owner's room
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There are three bedrooms on the second floor of the house
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A small cottage and the room that now houses the kitchen were added to the house later
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One part of the house is used as a library which has a unique collection of the book, manuscripts, pictures and objects illustrating the life and works of the poet