Test "Nature and environment"

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Діагностична робота на тему "Nature and environment" в 9 класі. Ця робота містить 4 завдання. Різнорівнева робота. Містить завдання на умовні речення 1 та 2 типу.
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Nature and environment 9th form

Name:____________________________     Form:_________


Total: _________/ 24


1. Read the given text. Match the sentences (A-H) to the passages (1-5). There are three sentences you should not use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


(___ ) (1) Air pollution can cause an asthma attack and is thought to cause a rising number of hospital admissions and early deaths. Air pollution is the change of the natural characteristics of the atmosphere by a chemical or biological agent. The atmosphere is a complex, dynamic natural system that is the main to support life on planet Earth.

(___ ) (2) Worldwide air pollution is responsible for large numbers of deaths and cases of respiratory disease.

While the major are the mobile sources, mainly automobiles. Gases such as carbon dioxide, which contribute to global warming, are recognised as pollutants by climate scientists, while they also recognize that carbon dioxide is essential for plant life through photosynthesis.

( __) (3) We should lessen the number of automobiles on the road or invent other type of the machine that will not use oil. Today one family can have two or more cars what makes the air pollution rate higher. Public transport is less dangerous for atmosphere than a car. It is better to use it in order to save the environment.

( __) (4) Walking and cycling are two of the best ways to help to reduce pollution, they are also a great way to improve your fitness and save you money. Try walking or cycling to work or school instead of taking your car.

( __) (5) Water pollution is a large effect upon water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater caused by human activities. Transport is also one of the major factors of water pollution. Water is a vital part of life. Our organism partially consists of water. Everything alive must drink; water controls a lot of vital processes. The Earth would die without water. Using transport we produce some agents which kill water fauna and flora.

As we can see the situation with air and water pollution caused by means of transportation leads to global results and negative effects on our planet’s life.


A The world problem of transport.

В  What to do to lessen the atmosphere pollution?

C What is the air pollution?

D Air pollution is caused by factories.

E The problem of the forests cutting.

F The best ways to reduce air pollution.

G The effects of water pollution.

H Air pollution is the cause of many deceases.



2.Find the odd word.

1. litter, soil, rubbish, trash, garbage, by-product. 

2. dangerous, poisonous, scientific, harmful.

3.rescue, save, protect, destroy, defend.

4. cutting, warming, pollution, environment.






3. Match the words to make phrases:

1) green                    a) rain

2) exhaust                b)warming

3) forest                   c) waste

4) toxic                     d) layer

5) nuclear               e) effect

6) the ozone           F) waste

7) global                  g) fumes

8) carbon                 h) dioxide

9) the greenhouse     i) issues

10)acid                      j) fires



4. Choose the correct option to complete these first or second conditional sentences.

1. If she _______(not work) hard, she wouldn`t have such good marks at school.

2. If the students _____________(not study), they won`t pass the final exams.

3. Jenny would help you if you _______( ask) her for help.

4. If you don`t do it now, you __________(not have) time later.

5. If I were you, I _________( not eat) so many sweets.





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Всього відгуків: 3
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  3. Шульга Світлана Геннадіївна
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До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
12 березня 2023
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5.0 (3 відгука)
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