Quick minds 2 Unit 7 In the countryside. Lesson 7
Today we`ll: Extend pupils` understanding of animal groups. Practise reading for detail. Enable pupils to apply what they have learnt
What is your favourite animal?
Read the words andsay the difference. Snake, house, tennis, lizards, nose, swim, gives, listen, bananas, cows, sing, tails, socks, cheese, mouse, chickens, sweaters, skirts, apples.
Phonics focus
Animal groups. Mammals Reptiles. Birds. Fish
Look and listen
Say the missing wordskinhairfeathersscales
Vocabulary1) a group - група2) mammals - сcавці3) birds - птахи4) reptiles– рептилії5) fish – риби6) skin– шкіра 7) hair – шерсть 8) feathers-пір’я9) scales-луска10) a backbone-хребет
What animal group is it?They have got skin. Reptiles
What animal group is it?They have got hair on their body. Mammals
What animal group is it?They have got feathers. Birds
What animal group is it?They have got scales. Fish
Mammals have got hair .skinhairfeathersscales
Reptiles have got skin.skinhairfeathersscales
Birds have got feathers.skinhairfeathersscales
Fish have got scales.
Look and answera backbone
The 25-th of March. Classwork. Animal groups. Mammals, reptiles, birds, fish. Skin, scales, hair, feathers.
Ex.2 p.68 ( write )
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