Презентація " School life. School subjects. After-school activities."

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Дана презентація була створена на основі оксфордських методик,таких відомих підручників, як Oxford exam trainer та Go Getter і є додатковим матеріалом до занять на тему: "School life. School subjects. After-school activities."
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Warm-up. Find Ukrainian equivalents to English proverbs1)Live and learn2)Knowledge is power3)It`s never too late to learn4)Easy to forget what you don`t know5)Repetition is the mother of learning

Номер слайду 2

School life School subjects After-school activities. Guess 2-3 nouns or adjectives associated with the word “school”S-C-H-O-O-L-

Номер слайду 3

Read the sentences 1-8 and write the names of school subjects. School subjects. Physics. Art. Geography. Music. History. ICTBiology. Chemistry

Номер слайду 4

School subjects. Match two columns to describe school activities1 read 2 solve3 carry out4 memorize5 do6 draw7 examine8 play. A handball. B insects. C maps. D problems. E sketches. F dates. G exercises. H experiments*carry out experiments-проводити експеременти *memorize dates-запам’ятовувати дати*examine insects-вивчати комах

Номер слайду 5

Parts of the school. Answer the questions 1-9 with names of parts of the school1)Canteen Їдальня2)Staffroom Учительська 3)Computer room Комп’ютерний клас4)Locker Камера схову5)Sports field Спортивне поле6)Headteacher`s office Кабінет директора7)Library Бібліотека8)Laboratory Лабораторія9)Gym Спорт-зал

Номер слайду 6

New Vocabulary. Cheat in exams-Списувати. Skip a class-Прогулювати. Copy someone's work-Копіювати чиюсь роботу. Do well/badly-зробити(навчатися) добре/погано. Take notes-Занотувати. Get a good/bad mark-Отримати хорошу/погану оцінку. Hand in your homework-здавати д.з. Pass / fail an exam-здати/провалити екзамен. Revise for a test-готуватися до тесту. Take an exam-здавати екзамен

Номер слайду 7

New Vocabulary. Cheat in exams. Skip a class. Copy someone's work. Do well/badly. Take notes. Get a good/bad mark. Hand in your homework. Pass / fail an exam. Revise for a test. Take an exam

Номер слайду 8

Quiz. What kind of student are you?Уour score : a- 2 points; b- o points You've got an important exam next Friday. What do you do?A: I start revising now . I want to ………. the exam. B: I………….for half an hour the night before the exam. You forget to do your English homework. A: I ask my teacher if I can…………….in the homework tomorrow. B: I ask a friend if I can ……….their homework. You..........an exam. What do you do before the next one?A: I try to ..........better notes in class. B: Nothing. Some people ……….badly at school, but they're still successful. Copy, do, fail, get, hand, miss, pass, revise, take.passrevisehandcopyfailtakedo

Номер слайду 9

Listening. Listen to Alice and answer the questions6* What did Oscar have to give up last month because of exams?1 What exam did Oscar take today?a History b Science c Maths2 What did he have to do in the exam?a do an experiment b write an essay c answer questions3 What does he think about the exam?a He thinks he failed. b He thinks he did quite well. c He thinks he did really well.4 What does he have to do tonight?a go to the cinema b help his mum c revise for his next exam5 What is Alice going to do about her English homework?a hand it in late b do it at the cinema c copy her friend's work 7* Who's more hard-working: Oscar or Alice?

Номер слайду 10

C) The time when you are not working/studying or doing other Duties . Correct answer is…. After-school activitiesstyle.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.onstyle.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.onstyle.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.on

Номер слайду 11

Click on the picture to see the translation. To keep fit. Free/spare time. To take part in. Chill out. To eat out. Outdoors. Indoors. Take up a new hobby. Hang out with. На вулиціБрати участь у…. Тримати себе у форміВдома/у приміщенніВідпочивати/чилити. Прогулюватися з…. Вільний час. Поїсти. Пробувати нове хоббіPlay in a band. Грати в группіTo do voluntary work. Волонтерити. To go a sailing course. To go on trips. Organise charity events. Піти на парусний курс. Подорожувати. Організовувати благодійні зустрічі

Номер слайду 12

Номер слайду 13

Listening. Complete the table3,35

Номер слайду 14

1 Anna had a realy busy week T F2 Mike usually takes part in a drama club and has extra French lessons. T F3 Mike spends much time outdoors at the weekend. T F4 At the weekends Anna is fond of cooking. T F5 Anna and Mike decided to meet at the cafe at the weekend. T FListening

Номер слайду 15

1 Which format of studying at school do you prefer online or offline?2 Which subjects do you find more interesting?3 Is it important to organize your own learning?4 School life means lessons and leisure time as well, How do you spend your free time?5 Is it enough free time for your hobby?6 What do you enjoy about school? What do you find difficult?Speaking

Номер слайду 16

Project work

Номер слайду 17

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