Розробка до урока " Seasons and Months" на основі нового Державного стандарту початкової освіти НУШ. Презентація " Seasons and Months" для учнів 2-3 класів.
There are 12 months in a year. Do you know their names?January (січень)February(лютий)March(березень)April (квітень)May (травень)June ( червень)July (липень)August (серпень)September (вересень)October (жовтень) November (листопад)December (грудень)
Where do the month names come from?January: named after Janus, the God of doors and gates. This month opens the year. February: from februo. This was a Roman month of sacrifices and purification. March: named after Mars, the god of war. Start of year for soldiers (no fighting during winter).
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April: from aperire, Latin for “to open” (buds). This is the month when trees open their leaves. May: named after Maia, the goddess of growth of plants. This is the month when plants really start to grow. June: from junius, Latin for the Goddess, the queen of the Gods Juno.
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July: named after Julius Caesar, the ruler of Rome in 44 B. C. He reorganised the calendar. August: named after Augustus Caesar, another ruler of Rome in 8 B. C. September: from septem, Latin for “seven”. The seventh month (counting from March).
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October: from octo, Latin for “eight”. November: from novem, Latin for “nine”. December: from decem, Latin for “ten”.