Презентація Сіселі Марі Баркер

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Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The wonderful world of Cicely. Mary. Barker

Номер слайду 2

Cicely Mary Barker. Cicely Mary. Barker was born on 28 June,1895 in Croyden, a town near London, England. Her father was a wood carver. In 1909, he presented a hand-carved pulpit to the family church, St. Edmund’s in Croyden.

Номер слайду 3

His daughter also showed an innate sense of creativity. She suffered from epilepsy as a child and remained physically delicate for most of her life. She didn’t go to school, so she was educated at home and spent much of her time on her own, reading and drawing. In 1908, when Cicely was 13, her father enrolled her at Croydon Art Society, where they both exhibited work.

Номер слайду 4

Cicely Mary Barker painted fairies. Fairies were a popular topic at this time. Queen Mary was fond of the fairy-themed work and did much to encourage the vogue for fairy paintings during the 1920's by frequently sending postcards depicting fairies to her friends. Cicely was industrious and determined. She sent her flower fairy paintings to several publishers before Blackie accepted them for publication in 1923. She was paid only £25 for a total of twenty-four illustrations

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Cicely Mary Barker carefully studied plants, flowers, insects and butterflies, and her artistic studying of children is evident in her work. Her Flower Fairies series of books which she both wrote and illustrated were very successful. She continued to paint until her eyesight began to fail her towards to the end of her life. She died on February 16, 1973 at the age of 77. but her remarkable talent lives on, her gentle Flower Fairies touching the heart still in our harsher modern age.

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Flower –fairies alphabet book

Номер слайду 7

Fairies of spring

Номер слайду 8

Fairies of summer

Номер слайду 9

Fairies of autumn

Номер слайду 10

Fairies of winter

Номер слайду 11

Fairies of trees

Номер слайду 12

Номер слайду 13

The Daisy Fairy. Come to me and play with me,I'm the babies flower,Make a necklace gay with me,Spend the whole long day with me,Till the sunset hour. I must say Good-night, you know,Till tomorrow's playtime;Close my petals tight, you know,Shut the red and white, you know,Sleeping till the daytime. 

Номер слайду 14

THE SONG OF THE FORGET-ME-NOT FAIRYSo small, so blue, in grassy places. My flowers raise. Their tiny faces. By streams my bigger sisters grow,And smile in gardens,In a row. I've never seen a garden plot;But though I'm small,Forget me not!

Номер слайду 15

THE SONG OF THE POPPY FAIRYThe green wheat's a~growing,The lark sings on high;In scarlet silk a~glowing,Here stand I. The wheat's turning yellow,Ripening for sheaves;I hear the little fellow. Who scares the bird~thieves. Now the harvest's ended,The wheat-field is bare;But still, red and splendid,I am there.

Номер слайду 16

THE SONG OF THE WILDROSE FAIRYI am the queen whom everybody knows,I am the English Rose;As light and free as any Jenny Wren,As dear to Englishmen;As joyous as a Robin Redbreast's tune,I scent the air of June;My buds are rosy as a baby's cheeck;I have one word to speak, One word which is my secret and my song,'Tis "England, England, England" allday long.

Номер слайду 17

The song of the buttercup fairy'Tis I whom children love the best;My wealth is all for them;For them is set each glossy cup. Upon each sturdy stem. O little playmates whom I love!The sky is summer-blue,And meadows full of buttercups. Are spread abroad for you.

До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
18 липня 2018
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