Презентація "The Five Early Invasions of Britain"

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Презентація містить країнознавчий матеріал з ранньої історії Британії. Може бути використана на уроках культурознавства Великої Британії.
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Five Early Invasions

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The Celtic Invasion The Roman Conquest. The Anglo-Saxon Invasion. The Danish Raids. The Norman Invasion

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The Celtic Invasion 5th century BCThe Celts – Scots and Britons. The Celts lived in villages. They used copper, tin and iron. They kept cattle and sheep and cultivated crops. They made clothes of wool and skin. The Celts worshipped Nature. They were governed by the Druids.

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2. The Roman Conquest 1st century BCThe Romans ruled all the civilized world. It took Caesar's army 40 years to conquer the country. The Romans began to build towns, roads, bridges. They wanted to make Britons work for them. In 407 the Roman legions were recalled from Britain to defend their own country.

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3. The Anglo-Saxon Invasion. Germanic tribes – Angles, Saxons and Jutes. They disliked towns and lived in villages. They were engaged in hunting, fishing, cattle-breeding and cultivating land. The Anglo-Saxons were Pagans.7 kingdoms: Kent, Sussex, Essex, Wessex, Mercia, East Anglia, Northumbria. Egbert, King of Wessex – the first king to rule the whole country.5th century AD

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4. Danish Raids8th century. The Danes lived in tribes. They burned houses, churches and monasteries. They were good sailors, ship-builders and traders. The Danish King Canute divided the country into 4 earldoms. The clergy grew more powerful.

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5. The Norman Invasion The Normans sailed across the channel. It took them several years to subdue the country. William I or William the Conqueror became king of England. He ruled the country for 21 years. He ruined villages, cottages, killed many people.1066

29 жовтня 2023
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