Презентація "The most interesting castles in Ukraine"

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Презентація про замки України англійською мовою з повторенням лексики даної теми та тематичними ілюстраціями.
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The most interesting castles in Ukraine

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Palanok Castle was built on top of a 68-meter extinct volcano. It was a stronghold of the Hungarian independence movement at tne end of the 17th century. The Austrian Empire suppressed the movement and destroyed the castle. But it was rebuilt and rose again in the east of the empire.

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Pidhirtsi is different from other castles in the region. It is a Renaissance palace guarded by fortified walls and bastions. It used to have an Italian Renaissance garden. The castle was almost burnt down in the 20th century and needs reconstruction.

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Legend says Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle was captured only once in its history. The castle has 12 towers. And can be divided into the old and new castles, built during different perions. Here, one can usually find people wearing period costumes and weapons.

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Khotyn is located 28 kilometers away from Kamianets-Podilskyi. The Khotyn castle is the only remaining medieval fort built by Ukrainians. It once protected the border of the medieval Kyivan Rus from Hungarians and Romanians.

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Olesko castle was built by one of the kings who ruled the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia. It was a desired trophy for many warring peoples, including Lithuanians, Poles and Tatars. The castle’s walls are 10 metres high and two meters thick.

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Words revision. What can you see in the picture?

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Knight Tower Bridge Flag Garden Guard Sword Volcano Costume Bastilion Weapons Wall

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Кучма М. О.,Морська Л. І.)
8 травня 2021
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