БІНАРНИЙ УРОКПриродознавство – Англійська мова«A Sea-Horse»Вчителя англійської мови. Одеської Маріїнської Гімназії Корш Н. В. 5-6 класи
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Where does the seahorse live?The fish lives at shallow depths, near the coast in the thick seaweeds.
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How does it hide from enemies?The seahorse can be compared to a chameleon, as the seahorse is capable of changing the color of its body.
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What is another way of hiding?Numerous long spines and ribbon-like leathery outgrowths located on the ridge's body make it invisible among algae and inaccessible to predators. The sizes of different types of seahorses vary from 2 to 30 cm
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How does it hunt?It eats a lot, all day round, it‘s the most greedy creature in the sea and ocean world. The oral cavity is a long tube. When the sea-horse sees food it sucks in water with it.
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How do skates breed?Another amazing feature of seahorses: the offspring is not carried by the female, but by the male. The female lays the fertilized eggs in a special pouch on the male's abdomen; this is where the work of the female mother ends. The male independently carries, protects and trains his cubs. Seahorses stay with their parents for about 3 weeks, then they become independent. How do sea-horses breed?The babies are not carried by the female, but by the male.