Презентація-тренінг "Граматичний тренажер". Підготовка до ЗНО

Про матеріал
Презентація -тренінг допоможе учням удосконалити свої вміння та навички, покращити свої знання з граматики , збагатити свій словниковий запас.Урок-тренінг сприятиме закріпленню всіх попередніх правил та активному повторенню у різнорівневому форматі. .Цей матеріал стане у нагоді усім вчителям англійської мови.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Граматичний тренажер(Підготовка до ЗНО)

Номер слайду 2

Phrasal verbs(Work, put, make)

Номер слайду 3

{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Word. Definition. Translation. Work on/upon. To spend time working in order to produce or repair something;To try hard to improve something Працювати над чимось Work out. To be the result of a mathematical calculation; To happen or develop in a particular way; To train the body by physical exercise Вирахувати, обчислити, визначити шляхом обчислення; Розробляти (план)Work through. To work without stopping for a period of time. Працювати безупинно. Work up to something. To develop or more gradually towards something, usually something more exciting or extreme Оброблювати; надавати завершеного вигляду

Номер слайду 4

The music worked ______ to a rousing finale. His dancing technique is good, but he needs to work ______ his fitness. I got married later that year but it didn`t work ______. I began by jogging in the park and worked ______ to running five miles a day. That works ______ to a 5,5% price decrease.

Номер слайду 5

I often start at 7.30 and work ______ until midnight. The cost of a minibus works ______ at £7 per person. Pete loves working ______ old cars. Buying a new radio worked ______ cheaper than repairing the old one. The arrangement worked ______ rather badly for Leo. She`s based in the lab, working full-time ______ a cure for AIDSI work ______ regularly to keep fit.

Номер слайду 6

{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Word. Definition. Translation. Put away. To put something in the place where it is usually kept. To save an amount of money Забирати, ховати; Відкладати, збирати (гроші)Put in. To say something while someone else is speaking Переривати, втручатися(у розмову)Put off. To decide or arrange to do something at a later time. Відкладати,відстрочувати. Put on. To put a piece of clothing onto your body;To put make-up or cream onto your skin;To make a device (e.g. Light, fire) work by pressing a switch; To pretend to have a particular feeling, or to behave in a way which is not real or natural for you. Надягати; запускати, вмикати, пускати в хід; набрати вигляду, робити вигляд, прикидатися; задаватися; удавати з себе. Put up with. To accept unpleasant behavior or an unpleasant situation, even though you do not like it. Терпіти, миритися; примиритися

Номер слайду 7

I can put ______ a house being untidy but I don`t like it to be dirty. Put your coat ______ if you`re going outside, it`s cold. I`ve put ______ talking to him about this for far too long. I try to put a little ______ every month. She put ______ her glasses and stared intently at the photograph. He`s impossible! How do you put______ him?

Номер слайду 8

What time do you want me to put the oven ______?Anthea often puts ______a funny voice when she answers the phone. I`ll wash and dry the dishes, if you put them ______. Is there a mirror somewhere? I need to put my make-up ______ .“Вut I don`t think she`s the right person for the job”, she put ______ . They had decided to put the wedding ______ until her brother came home from abroad.

Номер слайду 9

{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Word. Definition. Translation. Make for. To cause a particular result or situation. Сприяти. Make off. To leave somewhere quickly, especially in order to escape. Тікати, втікати. Make out To understand something, especially the reason why something has happened;To write all the necessary information on an official document (e.g. cheque , application, ticket)Зрозуміти;розібрати;Побачити;Розрізнити; скласти( список,заповіт);вигадувати. Make up. To forgive someone who you have argued with and to become friendly with them again;To say or write something that is not true in order to deceive someone;To invent something. Помирити, помиритися, примиритися; складати; збирати; видумувати, вигадувати. Make over. To give money or possessions to someone in an official way/ so that they own them legally. To change something in order to make it look different or use it for a different purpose Віддавати у користування офіційно; переробляти

Номер слайду 10

He made ______ his fortune to his wife. We argue a lot, but we always have fun making ______. The burglars made ______ as soon as the police arrived. Make the cheque ______ to D. Glennon. I`d made ______ some story about having to go home to see my sick mother. Ironically, food rationing made ______ a healthier population.

Номер слайду 11

We`re making _______ the playroom into an additional bedroom . Can you make ______ how they did it ?Sometimes i`ll read her a story from a book and sometimes i`ll make one ______ . Have you made ______ with Daryl yet? Nobody can make ______ what their motives were. Poor service does not make ______ satisfied customers.

11 травня 2018
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