Презентація "У супермаркеті " до уроку" У супермаркеті" по темі"Покупки"

Про матеріал
Метою презентації є активізувати лексичні одиниці теми; розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення; розвивати навички аудіювання; розвивати культуру спілкування у ситуаціях, інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Shopping. At the supermarket

Номер слайду 2

For some shopping is an art,For others it's a sport, Some like it. Some hate it. Rarely is someone indifferent.

Номер слайду 3

Для когось покупки – це мистецтво, Для когось – це спорт,Одним це подобається. Інші ненавидять. Рідко, щоб хтось відносився до цього байдуже.

Номер слайду 4

Supermarket Song by Peter Weatherall 1. If you need milk, or if you need bread, 2. Then there’s a place where you should head. 3. At the supermarket you can buy everything 4. When you do your grocery shopping.  1. You can buy vegetables, you can buy fruit,2. You can buy cans if fresh doesn’t suit. 3. At the supermarket you can buy everything 4. When you do your grocery shopping

Номер слайду 5

1. You can buy flour if you like to bake, 2. Or you can buy readymade cookies and cakes. 3. At the supermarket you can buy everything4. When you do your grocery shopping.1. You can buy ice-cream and frozen peas, 2. You can buy yoghurt and you can buy cheese. 3. At the supermarket you can buy everything 4. When you do your grocery shopping.

Номер слайду 6

1. You can buy oil and you can buy rice, 2. You can buy noodles that taste very nice, 3. At the supermarket you can buy everything 4. When you do your grocery shopping.1. You can buy fish and you can buy meat,2. You can buy chicken that’s ready to eat!3. At the supermarket you can buy everything4. When you do your grocery shopping.

Номер слайду 7

Lexical activities

Номер слайду 8

Florist’s a) toothpaste, shampoo, medicines. Bookstore b) flowers. Newsagent’s c) poems, fairytales. Baker’s d) magazines, newspapers. Butcher’s e) bread, buns, rolls. Chemist’s f) meat, sausages, chicken

Номер слайду 9

newspaper, T-shirt, vegetables, oranges, trainers, books, dictionary, postcard You are going to buy a __ and a __ at the newsagent’s. You are going to buy a __ and __ at the sport shop. You are going to buy __ and __ at the greengrocer’s. You are going to buy __ and __ at the bookstore.

Номер слайду 10

Lexical activities. HOW MUCH WORDS DO YOU KNOW?

До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
1 березня 2020
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