Презентація уроку з англійської мови у 8 класі на тему "England"

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Презентація уроку з англійської мови у 8 класі на тему"England" містить різноманітні матеріали, які допоможуть вчителеві висвітлити усі аспекти життя цієї країни.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

ENGLAND Land of Hope and Glory Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the free, How shall we extol thee, Who are born of thee, Wider and still wider, Shall thy bounds be set, God who made the mighty, Make thee mightier yet! God who made thee mighty, Make thee mightier yet!

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Our team Babii Karina Lebedynets Liana Nekhaiev Nazar Ternopilska Natalia

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SOME FACTS OF THE UK Population: 51,000,000 people. Geographic size: 129,720 square kilometres or 50,356 square miles. Capital: London. Major cities: London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester and Nottingham.

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The territory of modern England at the moment of invasion of Julius Caesar in 55 B.C. and a century later, at the time of capture of Emperor Claudius, was inhabited by Celtic tribes, known as Britons. In the result of capturing the whole southern part of the island (modern England and Wales) has become a part of the Roman Empire until its collapse in V century A.D. Without the help of the Roman legions Roman Britain could not resist the barbarians, the Germans, appeared in V-VI centuries at the invitation of the Britons, who used them to protect themselves from Celtic tribes from the north - Picts and Scots. The newcomers were of three groups - Jutes, Saxons and Angles. History

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St. George is the patron of England St. George, a protector of England. On April 23 the British celebrate the Day of their patron saint, St. George.

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St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Places for tourists Victoria Memorial in London 10,Downing Street. In this house all the prime ministers of the country have lived for nearly 300 years.

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Places for tourists Chapel of Henry VII Poets’ Corner Kensington Palace

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Places for tourists The History of the Tower of London began in the XI century with the coming of William the Conqueror. An impregnable fortress, a royal prison, a residence of British monarchs, a repository of the British Crown jewels, an arsenal, an observatory, a mint, a museum and even a zoo - the Tower had to be for its 900-years-old history. Today the Tower has become the symbol of England. The Tower of London

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The Tower of London The Beefeater, the Yeomen of the Guard or the Tower Warder – these are the names of the guards of the Tower. Beefeater means a man who eats meat. In the old days Beefeaters tasted the royal food. There are thirty-seven guards now. They are dressed in red and black Tudor clothes. Guards, together with their families, live in a fortress. Now Beefeaters are guides in the Tower. During their excursions, they add their horror stories about the castle with the stories about ghosts of its prisoners. In our days, for the first time in the history of the Tower, women can become the guards of the castle. They have the same requirements as men - to serve in the army for 22 years and have the rank of sergeant.

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Ravens The alchemist in the court of Charles II proposed to have the black crows to scare away the scourge from the fortress and the whole kingdom. Magician warned: the Tower will fall, the royal family will be disrupted, and England as a country will be waited for implode and enslavement, if the crows suddenly fly away. Since then, taking care of them has become one of the main duties of the servants of the castle. Ravens are fed with raw meat and, to avoid flying, their wings are undercut. Royal ravens can be recognized by the ribbon. Winged guardians live for a long time - not less than forty years, and when they die, they are buried in the crow’s cemetery. The castle has long been guarded by the black crows. Bird - guards have a very interesting history.

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Lion is a national symbol of England. The emblem, which depicted three golden lions on a red background - a symbol of power of the British throne - was used by Richard Lion’s Heart during the Crusades. National symbol of England

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National symbol Almost unknown in England before the XIV century, a rose appeared at the courts of the kings of England shortly before the bloody feud between York and Lancaster homes. The flower so captivated by its beauty the pretenders to the throne, that both of them put it in their emblems: one of them elected a white rose, and another– a scarlet one. That’s why, the fierce internecine struggle of Henry VI of Lancaster to Edward of York for the English throne, which lasted more than 30 years, is known as the Wars of the Roses. In memory of those events the British gardeners brought a special sort of rose, known as Lancaster-York: on the same bush there are both white and red flowers.

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The oak is the national tree of England, representing strength and endurance.

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The national clothes National English suit appeared in the XIX century. It is characterized by austerity and simple lines, soft and calm tone. The type of English national clothes influenced the formation of European male suit. Now sportswear is popular. But there are elements of medieval clothes on the clothes of judges, guards, students, parliamentarians.

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The Head of the State, Queen Elizabeth II Queen Elizabeth II was born in London on April 26, 1926 in the family of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. She received an excellent education at home with her younger sister Margareth. As Queen, Elizabeth II is the Head of the State, the Head of the Commonwealth, the Commander-in-Chief of the Land, Sea and Air Forces, the Colonel of the Royal Guard and the Royal Engineer Regiment, the president and the patron of more than 700 different organizations.

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Welcome to England!

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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 лютого 2018
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