Тема: Погода. Сезонний одяг.
Мета: Повторити й активізувати ЛО теми. Удосконалювати техніку читання.
Розвивати навички монолопчного й діалогічного мовлення..Виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
Обладнання: підручник, картки із зображенням одягу, презентація
Хід уроку
1. Greeting
T: Good morning, children! How are you getting on?
Ps: We are very well, thank you
T: Today’s topic is “Weather. Seasonal clothes”. (slide 1)
2. Warm-up
Do you like today’s weather?
What is the weather like today?
How many seasons are there in a year?
What season is it?
Do you like winter?
What weather do you like/dislike?
3. Vocabulary Work
1) T: Now we’ll revise the material about weather, our vocabulary words. Look at the pictures and repeat after me. (Teacher demonstrate the cards, students say the weather and clothes words)
2) T: Divide the words into two columns “Weather”, “Clothes” (slide 3)
4. Listening
Ex 1 p. 80
1) Before listening
T: Look at the picture. What can you see there?
What are two boys talking about?
What is a girl doing?
What is a boy on the 3rd picture holding in his hand?
2) While-listening activity
T: Listen to three dialogues and describe the weather (slide 4)
P1: It is snowy and cold
3) Post-listening
T: Listen to the text again and say if the sentences are true or false (slide 5)
Ex. 2 p80
5. Physical break.
T: Stand up, please. Let’s have a rest and play the game “Simon says…”
touch your nose
touch your ear
close your eyes
open your eyes
clap your hands
turn round
sit down
6. Vocabulary practice
1) New vocabulary (slide 6)
T: Look, listen and repeat
2) Listening
Ex. 3 p80
T: Listen and say who Nick/ James/ Kyle or Veronica is. (slide 7)
7. Speaking
T: Think and say what you usually wear when it’s rainy/snowy/hot/windy. (slides 9-11)
8. Writing
T: Fill in the gaps and then say.
1. I’m going to the football club. I need _____________________________________________.
2. I’m going to the shop. I need ________________________________________________.
3. I’m going to sleep. I need ___________________________________________________.
4. I’m going to my work. I need __________________________________________.
9. Summary
Game “ What are they wearing?” (slide 12)
Write what you usually wear when it’s rainy/snowy/hot/windy.