Презентація "Words for you"

Про матеріал
Дану презентацію "Words for you" cтворено відповідно до підручника "Англійська мова" (10 рік навчання) для 10 класу закладів загальноосвітньої середньої освіти, автор О.Д.Карп'юк. Стане у нагоді тим вчителям, які працюють за вказаним підручником.
Перегляд файлу

          p.26 image

1.                A goal is something you aim to achieve or accomplish.


Her goal is to finish reading 10 books by the end of the month.


2.                To argue means to have a disagreement or to exchange different opinions, often in a heated way.


Tom and Sarah began to argue about whose turn it was to do the dishes.



3.                To succeed means to achieve something you have worked for or aimed at.


She studied hard for her math test and was happy to succeed by getting a high score.




To get on well means to have a good relationship with someone and to get along easily.


Emma and her new classmate get on well because they both love playing soccer and share similar hobbies.



5.                To have (a lot) in common means to share similar interests, experiences, or characteristics with someone.


Jack and Lily have a lot in common because they both enjoy reading and playing video games.



6.                To get/keep in touch means to start or continue communicating with someone, usually over time.


Even after moving to different cities, Sarah and Mia promised to keep in touch by texting and calling each other regularly.


7.                To lose touch means to stop communicating with someone over time.


After high school, Tom and Jake lost touch because they moved to different cities and stopped talking.


8.                To stay friends means to continue being friends over time, even after changes or challenges.


Even after going to different schools, Anna and Emily made an effort to stay friends by meeting up during holidays.




До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 жовтня
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