Презентація з англійської мови на тему: "Осінь"

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Workbook на тему "Осінь" для самостійного вивчення англійської мови, рівня А2. Можна використовувати, як презентація на уроці.
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Autumn vocabulary


imageimageimageimageimageimagecloudy - хмарноraking leaves - грабляти листя rainy - дощово walking - гуляти

sunny - сонячноplaying - грати

windy - вітряно hiking - ходити в похід foggy - туманно


Autumn Grammar

1.Present Continuous:  It is raining now. The leaves are falling.

2.Past Simple: I went for a walk yesterday. We picked apples last week.

3.Comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives: This autumn is colder than last autumn. Autumn is the most beautiful season.

4.Modal verbs: You should wear a warm coat. We can go for a hike.

5.Countable and uncountable nouns: I have many leaves. There is a lot of fog today.

6.Some/any: I would like some apples. Are there any pumpkins in the garden?

7.There is/there are: There is a big tree in our yard. There are many clouds in the sky.

8.Prepositions of place: The birds are in the tree. The leaves are on the ground.

9.Questions: What is the weather like today? When do you usually rake leaves?

image10.Simple sentences: I like autumn. The leaves are yellow.                      image

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence

1.The leaves are very ___ in autumn. (green / yellow / blue)

2.It is often ___ in autumn. (hot / cold / rainy)

3.What do people usually do in autumn? (go swimming / rake leaves / plant flowers)

4.Which word is not related to autumn? (summer / harvest / leaves / pumpkin)

5.The birds are ___ the tree. (on / in / under)

6.The weather is ___ today. (beautiful / ugly / boring)

7.What is the season after autumn? (winter / spring / summer)

8.Which word means "to collect leaves"? (rake / pick / gather)

9.There are many ___ in the park. (flowers / trees / cars)

10.I like to ___ a coat in autumn. (wear / eat / play)

11.The sky is often ___ in autumn. (clear / cloudy / sunny)

12.Autumn is the time for ___ vegetables. (planting / harvesting / watering)

13.Children like to jump in ___ in autumn. (water / snow / leaves)

image14.Which is an autumn holiday? (Easter / Christmas / Thanksgiving)

15.What color are pumpkins usually? (green / orange / blue)

Choosing the correct preposition or article

1.The leaves are falling from/on the trees.

2.I like to walk in/at the park in autumn.

3.Autumn is a/the beautiful season.

4.There is a/an apple on the table.

5.It is often rainy in/on autumn.

6.Let's go for a walk in/at the forest.

7.I am wearing a/an warm coat today.

8.The squirrels are hiding nuts in/on the tree.

image9.I like to drink hot chocolate on/in a cold autumn day.

image10.We are going to pick apples at/in the orchard.

Story time

       Autumn had painted the forest in hues of gold, red, and orange. Little Emily and her dog, Max, were excited to explore the woods behind their house. As they walked along the crunchy leaves, they heard the rustling of branches and the distant hoot of an owl. Max perked up his ears, his tail wagging excitedly.

      They followed a narrow path that wound through the trees. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating dancing patterns on the forest floor. Emily spotted a squirrel scampering up a tree, its bushy tail waving behind it. "Look, Max!" she exclaimed. Max barked happily and tried to chase after the squirrel.

      Suddenly, the path disappeared. Emily and Max found themselves in a small clearing. In the center of the clearing stood an old, gnarled oak tree. A wooden ladder leaned against the tree, leading up to a small platform. "I wonder what's up there," Emily said, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. She climbed the ladder, followed closely by Max.

imageimage     At the top, they discovered a small, cozy treehouse. Inside, there was a tiny table and chairs, and a stack of old books. Emily and Max spent the next hour playing in the treehouse, pretending they were pirates on a treasure hunt.

As the sun began to set, they climbed down and started their journey home.

Answer the questions about the text

                           1. What color were the leaves in the forest?    5. What did they find in the treehouse?

a)     green only a) a treasure chest

b)    red, orange, and yellow    b) a table, chairs, and books

c)      blue, purple, and pink c) a bed

                        2. What did Emily and Max hear in the forest? 6. What did Emily and Max pretend to be?

a)     the sound of a car   a) astronauts

b)    the rustling of branches and an owl hoot b) pirates

c)      the sound of a waterfall   c) princesses

          3. What did Emily spot in the tree?        7. What time of day was it when they started their journey

a)     a bird    home?

b)    a squirrel  a) morning

c)      a butterfly b) afternoon

                                                        4. Where did Emily and Max find themselves after the path c) evening

imageimagedisappeared?    8. What season was it? a) in a field   a) summer

b)    in a clearing   b) winter

c)      in a cave    c) autumn

                                                                                  1.Leaves    Match the words a.  sky

                                                                                 2.Apple    b.  harvest

imageimageimage                                                                                  3.Raincoat    c.  fruit


Complete the sentences


In the forest, you can find...



Creating a Story

Write a short story about imageautumn using the following

words: image

leaves, trees, imagepumpkin,


rain, warm, harvest image


Choose the correct word to complete the sentence

Answer the questions about the text



3.rake leaves









Choosing the correct preposition or article

1.    from 6. in

2.    in      7. a

3.    a 8. in

4.    an     9. on

5.    in      10. at

Пояснення до вибору відповідей:

1.    b) red, orange, 5. b) a table, chairs, and yellow   and books

2.    b) the rustling 6. b) pirates of branches and 7. b) afternoon

an owl hoot      8. c) autumn

3.    b) a squirrel

4.    b) in a clearing

Match the words

1.Leaves - i. nature (Листя - природа)

2.Apple - c. fruit (Яблуко - фрукт)

3.Raincoat - d. clothing (Дощовик - одяг)

4.Pumpkin - f. vegetable (Гарбуз - овоч)

5.   Foggy - g. weather (Туманний - погода)

6.Autumn - e. season (Осінь - пора року)

7.Park - h. place (Парк - місце)

8.Harvest - b. harvest (Врожай - врожай)

9.Tree - i. nature (Дерево - природа)

10.Cloudy - g. weather (Хмарний - погода)

image from/on: Ми використовуємо "from" коли щось рухається від чогось, а "on" коли щось знаходиться на поверхні.

Answer key

imageimageimage12.harvestingin/at: "In" використовується для більших просторів (парк,      11.Cozy - k. feeling (Затишний - почуття) 13.leaves   ліс), а "at" для більш конкретних місць (стіл, сад).

image14.Thanksgivinga/the: "A" використовується для невизначених предметів, а 15.orange   "the" для конкретних або вже згаданих.

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