Презентація з англійської мови на тему "Wales".

Про матеріал
Презентація з англійської мови на тему "Wales" включає в себе ознайомлення з деякими визначними місцями країни Уейльс.
Зміст слайдів
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An array of Snowdon - the highest point of Wales and is situated on the north-east. The highest mountain in England and Wales - Snowdon itself. Its height is 1085.39 meters.

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The largest urban areas in Wales are Cardiff, Swansea, and Newport, all located on the southern coast.

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Conwy Castle  is a fortification in Conwy, located in North Wales. It was built by Edward I, during his conquest of Wales, between 1283 and 1289. Constructed as part of a wider project to create the walled town of Conwy, the combined defences cost around Ј15,000, a huge sum for the period. Over the next few centuries, the castle played an important part in several wars. It withstood the siege of Madog ap Llywelyn in the winter of 1294–95, acted as a temporary haven for Richard II in 1399 and was held for several months by forces loyal to Owain Glyndŵr in 1401.

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Caerphilly Castle is a medieval fortification in Caerphilly in South Wales. The castle was constructed by Gilbert de Clare in the 13th century as part of his campaign to conquer Glamorgan, and saw extensive fighting between Gilbert, his descendants, and the native Welsh rulers. Surrounded by extensive artificial lakes – considered by historian Allen Brown to be "the most elaborate water defences in all Britain" – it occupies around 30 acres (12 ha) and is the second largest castle in the United Kingdom. It is famous for having introduced concentric castle defences to Britain and for its large gatehouses.

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It is represented by a red dragon on a green and white background. It is the only flag which is not included in the flag of the United Kingdom.

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The end

30 квітня 2020
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