Презентація "Nature Disasters" є першим уроком теми "Is the Earth in danger" та створена відповідно до матеріала підручника Карп'юк English 10 (с.140-144). Презентація розрахована на відпрацювання лексичного матеріалу теми.
What do you know about nature and its problems nowadays?What are the nature disasters?
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Volcano eruption
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Forest fire
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Refer the words to the photos droughttyphoonvolcano eruptionfloodtsunamiearthquaketornadofamineforest fire123456789213456789
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floodtornadohurricanelandslidewildfiredrought. Listen and say what natural disasters are mentioned in the article.avalanchehailstormfaminethunderstormearthquaketsunamiblizzard
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New vocabularya disaster — something that causes a lot of harm or damage, catastrophe a frequency — the number of times something happens in a particular perioda hazard — something that is dangerous a threat — the possibility that something bad will happen to damage — to harm or break somethingto occur — to happen, often without being plannedлихоповторюваністьризикпошкоджуватизагрозавідбуватися
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New vocabularyto respond — to answer, to reactto underflood — to cover with waterfrequent — happening oftenresistant — not harmed or affected by somethingвідповідатипідтоплятичастийстійкий
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Scan the article to make the correct choice“Local road was washed away and damaged. The highway of national route ‘Kyiv–Chop’ was blocked because of mud sliding in Skole district in Lviv region. Railroad Lviv–Uzhhorod was blocked because of fallen trees.” “A private dwelling house was destroyed because of sliding in Ivano-Frankivsk region. The master of the house, born in 1965, died. 963 houses were underflooded by water.” “In the evening on July, 24 27-year-old resident of Vyzhnytsya district died in the basement that was flooded as a result of bad weather in Bukovyna.” These lines are from Ukrainski Novyny (Ukrainian News) report about the natural disaster that occurred in Western Ukraine in July 2008. As a result of heavy showers the level of water in rivers had risen, and houses, farmlands and granaries were underflooded. Some crops were destroyed.
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Natural disasters began to occur in Ukraine with increasing frequency. After dangerous floods in Zakarpattia the storms and tornados also came their way. Information about the number of people killed by lightning has become more frequent in different parts of Ukraine. Until recently, we only heard of such disasters in other part of the Atlantic. And what are the causes of natural disasters which are becoming more frequent in our country? Not waiting for the scientists’ explanations, people say this is our fault. During the last 50 years a great deal of forests in the Carpathians have been cut down. Deforestation1 has led to changes in local climate. That’s why we have so much trouble with floods in this region. The scientists remind us that all elements and systems are interconnected in nature. Irresponsible attitude to it might lead to terrible results. The conducted research has confirmed the idea about not only natural but man-made causes of these floods.
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What is a natural disaster? The definition is: it is the effect of a natural hazard that affects the environment and leads to financial, environmental and/or human losses. A natural hazard is a threat of a natural occurring event that will have a negative effect on people or the environment. Many natural hazards are interrelated. For example, earthquake can cause a tsunami and drought that can lead directly to famine. The costs of natural disasters are the lives lost, homes destroyed and economies disrupted2… But there is reason for hope. By understanding how and where these natural events occur, we can build and live safely on Earth, and by providing real-time information about floods, earthquakes and other hazards, we can respond effectively when disaster strikes. We should build stronger, safer communities that are resistant to natural disasters.
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Choose the best answer1 What natural disaster occured in Western Ukraine in 2008?a) drought b)earthqua c) Food2 What happened to the national route ‘Kyiv–Chop’ in 2008?It was underfooded. It was blocked with mud sliding. It was ruined by volcano eruption3 What natural disasters are becoming more frequent in Ukraine?foods and storms foods and earthquakestsunamis and foods4 What are the causes of frequent floods in Zakarpattya?a) heavy showersb) natural and man-made causesc) deforestation
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5 What is a natural disaster?a) It is a natural hazardb) It is a weather eventc) It is the effect of a natural hazard6 What is a natural hazard?a) It is a threat of a natural event that might have negative effect?b) It is a natural catastrophec) It is a natural disaster7 What is the relationship between natural hazards?a) They all result into natural disastersb) They are interrelated, one can lead to anotherc) They have no influence on each other8 What does to respond to natural disasters effectively mean?a) It means we shouldn’t pay any attention to difficultiesb) It means that we must remember that all elements andsystems are interconnected in naturec) It means we should learn more about disasters and build safer communities with real time information provided
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1 … is one of the names of cyclonic storm that forms over the oceans. It is caused by evaporated water that comes from the ocean. Typhoon is another name for it.2 … are rain drops that have formed together into ice.3 … are the result of prolonged rainfall from a storm, rapid melting of large amounts of snow, or rivers which rise up their levels of water.4 … is a phenomenon that results from a sudden release of stored energy that radiates seismic waves. It shows itself by a shaking of the ground.5 … is a slide of a large snow (or rock) mass down a mountainside. It is one of the major dangers faced in the mountains in winter.a tornadohailstormsfloodsearthquakeavalanche
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6 … is a wave of water caused by the displacement of a body of water. It can be caused by undersea earthquakes or by meteorological phenomena.7 … is a hazard characterized by heat which is considered extreme and unusual in the area in which it occurs. 8 … is a disaster closely related to an avalanche, but instead of occurring with snow, it occurs involving actual elements of the ground, including rocks, trees, parts of houses etc. which may happen to be swept up. It can be caused by an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.9 … is a severe winter storm condition characterised by lowtemperatures, strong winds, and heavy blowing snow.10 … is a natural disaster resulting from a thunderstorm11 … is the point in which a volcano is active and releases its power,and the eruptions come in many forms.tsunamiheat wavelandslideblizzardhurricanevolcanic eruption