Проєкт "My Village. History and our days."

Про матеріал
Проєкта робота стимулює учнів до вивчення історії та цікавих фактів з життя людей засобами іноземної мови.
Перегляд файлу

Project  “My Village. HISTORY AND OUR DAYS”

Мета уроку: активізувати знання та мовні уміння учнів, вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, колективної роботи; Розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення за темою; закріпити та перевірити знання учнями матеріалу, що вивчається (місце розташування будівель). Навчати вживати зворот  «There is… There are…  та прийменники місця: next to, behind, in front of, near, in the centre of, on the left, on the right, opposite, behind, between усно та на письмі. Розширювати світогляд учнів,формувати соціокультурну компетенцію, знання про історичну та культурну спадщину. Виховувати любов до рідної землі та почуття патріотизму, прагнення до самореалізації.

Тип уроку: урок узагальнення та систематизації знань.

Обладнання: карта місцевості, Комп’ютер (Інтернет), hands out «Places of interest  in the village », карта світу.

1 Warm–up

Proverb «East or West Home is best».

T. How do you understand it?

1. Why do you like your village?

2.Is it important for you to live in a village or in a town?

3.What places in your village would you like to show your friend?

Aim: The topic of our today s lesson is to make a project to introduce the friend from the other country the interesting places of your village.

By the end of the lesson you should be able to write and talk about some of the places of your village.

III. Main part of the lesson.

1)T. Look at the map! Where is our village situated? (region) Would you like tо look at our village using Internet? What can you see? Do you like your living place? Why?

Your Homework was:

1-st group: to take photos of places of interest in your village;

2-nd group: to draw the map of your village and label the important places in the town.

2) Work in groups! What can you put on the map?

Pupils write the list on the board: 

  • bus station;
  • village club;
  • post office;
  • hospital;
  • shops;
  • church;
  • parks;
  • library;

memorials /mountaints: «Grieving Mother" Monument, « Tank- 34» Monument»,

Pupils use There is/are …. and make sentences.

For example: There is a shop in the village centre opposite the church.

(Прикріпляють малюнки до карти села)

2)  Dialogues.

T .Complete and play the dialogue!

-Excuse me . Can you tell me how to get to the library?

-Yes, it s………………..Take the…………turning…………………the right.

-Second on the right?

Yes, that s……………………. the library is……………………………………

-On the left?

-Yes, there is a bus stop …………………….it.

-Thank you.                                


Students write and then present their information:

P1 “Grieving Mother" Monument

The Memorial is situated in the park in the village centre. It s opposite Supermarket and the village church in  Romenska Street. The grave was built in 1979. There are lots of names of the solgiars who died during the War II. All people of our village honor heroes and bring flowers there.

P2 « Tank- 34» Monument.

It is situated near village on the road that leads to Kyiv and to Sumy. The monument has rich history. There was a battle against fascists at that place in 1943.The words” Nobody is forgotten” are there on the memorial board. I know the verse  that our village poet Mycola Coghushco wrote

Memory about fight for native Shtepivka,

 For many years and centuries,

As a witness the mighty Tank is.

The poplars hold a quite conversation

About terrible battlers with enemies

And the people go to that attraction

To decorate it’s podium with garlands

Як пам’ятник битви за Штепівку рідну

На довгі роки, для цілих століть,

Як свідок боїв, танк могутній стоїть.

Там тиху розмову тополі ведуть

 Про грізні бої з ворогами,

І люди до танка ідуть  та й ідуть,

Його прикрашають квітами.


P3 Welcome to our Village

There are friendly and kind people in my living place. My school, and a board school. You can visit my school and a Board school, 2 libraries,4 shops, an old village church. There are nice houses with the beautiful gardens around them. There are sweat apples, softy pears, big plumps, red cherries in august and in autumn. Welcome to visit at my place.

P4 “Nebesna sotnya” Monument

Stay for a minute

Wait a moment,


WHO DIED FOR Ukrainian Flag and ANTHEM,



4. Students make a poster and display the projects to the class.

T. Add some picture of the village. Discuss the projects.

III Finishing the lesson.

-The teacher summarizes everything that pupils have learnt.

-H/W: to put the material «Into my Portfolio»

+ to write a poem about village you live in.


-Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the library?

-Yes, it’s in Romenka Street. Go down here. Take the second…………turning on the…………………the right.

-Second on the right?

Yes, that’ s…Romenska Street…………………. The library is on the left……………………………………

-On the left?

-Yes, there is a bus stop in front of…………………….it.

-Thank you.                                


















Demchenko Natalia
До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 січня 2024
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