Контрольна робота для 5 класу з теми "Jobs and Professions"

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  1. Розробка контрольної роботи для 5 класу з теми "Jobs and Professions" стане у нагоді для вчителя англійської мови. Контрольна робота містить завдання 4 рівнів складності
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Test in Writing

My Family and Friends

Variant I

  1. Translate from English into Ukrainian
  1. parents
  2. a family tree
  3. a granddaughter
  4. hard-working
  5. intelligent

II. Choose the correct sentence from each pair

  1. a) My older brother is my best friend.

b) My elder brother is my best friend.

2. a)  Tonya is better cooker than Tom.

 b) Tonya is goodder cooker than Tom.

3.  a) I am cleaning the house now.

b) I clean the house now.

4.  a)  Our parents always take care of us.

 b) Our parents always take care us.

5.  a)  Hard-working person likes to work hard.

 b)  Hard-working person likes to tell the truth.

III. Open the brackets, using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

  1. My family__ (to be) very friendly.
  2. His grandparents __ (to work) in the vegetable garden now.
  3. Sofia__ __ ( not/ work) at school.
  4. My mother__ __  (not/ cook) tasty breakfast at the moment.
  5. Tom`s grandma always __ (to take care) of her family.

IV. Write an e-mail to your pen-friend in England. Tell about your family/ best friend, using these words.

  • hard-working;
  • attentive;
  • honest;
  • cheerful;
  • nice;
  • beautiful;



Test in Writing

My Family and Friends

Variant II

  1.           Translate from English into Ukrainian
  1. cheerful
  2. a firefighter
  3. a lawyer
  4. a shop-assistant
  5.  a hairdresser

II. Choose the correct sentence from each pair

1.  a) My best friend are smart and easy-going.

 b) My best friend is smart and easy-going.

2.  a) A manager woks at the hospital.

 b) A manager works in an office.

3.  a)  Aunt Anny is playing the piano now.

 b) Aunt Any play the piano now.

4.  a) Tamara is always attentive to people.

 b) Tamara always attentive to people.

5. a) Andriy is the cleverest person that I know.

 b) Andriy is the most clever person that I know.

III. Open the brackets, using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

  1. Mark`s parents __(to do) the shopping on Sundays.
  2. What kind of job __ you __(to like)?
  3. Who __ (to make) a cake now?
  4. My father __ (to work) in the bank.
  5.   He __ (to tell) me about his family at the moment.

IV. Write an e-mail to your pen-friend in England. Tell about your family/ best friend, using these words.

  • hard-working;
  • attentive;
  • honest;
  • cheerful;
  • nice;
  • beautiful;
15 грудня 2018
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