Quiz "How Canadian are you?"

Про матеріал
Квіз розрахований для учнів 10 класу закладів загальної середньої освіти. Мета проведення - удосконалювати навички використання лексичних одиниць у мовленні та розумінні їх у процесі читання (слухання). А також удосконалити skills of speaking, reading, listening and writing. Освітня мета - розширити знання про Канаду, яка є воістину унікальною країною з її основним національним надбанням - мультикультуризмом. Використання квізу на уроках англійської мови сприятиме розвитку швидкого розуміння, почутого та прочитаного, креативного мислення, пам'яті та уваги. Крім того, використання такого виду роботи на уроках англійської мови виховує почуття ввічливості, навчає чемного сталення до людей, посилює інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.
Перегляд файлу

                                   English. Form 10

                         Quiz «How Canadian are you?»



Teacher: Hello everyone! What do you know about Canada?

Student 1: Canada is an independent federative state!

Student 2: Modern Canada originated as a country of immigrants!

Students 3: Canada is a founding member of the United Nations!

Teacher: Excellent!  And now we have got some questions about Canada. If you give the right answer – you get a point. Is it clear?

Students: Yes, of course!

Teacher: So, let`s go! Good luck!

Students: Thank you!


  1. When is Canada Day?

    (Canada Day is the first of July)

  1. What is the capital of Canada?

     (The capital of Canada is Ottawa).

  1. What is Canada official emblem?

      (Canada`s official national emblem is a Maple Leaf).


  1. Who was the first discoverers Canada?

     (The Vikings were discovered Canada).

  1. Who are the natives of Canada?

     (Eskimos and Indians).

  1. What are Canada`s two official languages?

(Canada`s two official languages are English and French).


  1. Who is formally the head of the state?

    (Formally the head of the state is the King or Queen of the UK).

  1. What state is Canada?

     (Canada is a self-governing federal state).

  1. What does «Kanata» mean?

    (It means simply «village» or «settlement»).

  1.  What province is called «the Seat of French Culture»?


  1.  What sport is extremely popular in Canada?


  1.  Which May Festival is Ottawa world famous for?
  1. Tulip Festival     b) Art Festival     c) Music Festival


  1.  Which syrup is Canada famous for?
  1. Maple        b) Lemon       c) Cherry


  1.  What famous attraction is between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, on the frontier between Canada and the USA?

  (The Niagara Falls, on the Niagara River between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, on the frontier between Canada and the USA).

  1.   What city is the center for international immigration?

  (Toronto is the center for international immigration).


  1.  How many provinces are there in Canada?

  (Nowadays Canada is consisted of ten provinces and three territories).


  1.  Which agricultural product grown in Canada is world famous?

  a) Flax         b) Wheat       c) Cabbage


  1.  What country does Canada border on in the North?

        a) Finland       b) New Zealand       c) The USA


  1.  Describe Canada`s climate.

     (The climate of Canada varies from arctic in the North to moderate in the East and West).


  1.  Who were the first Ukrainians that came to Canada?

(The first Ukrainians came to Canada in 1891. They were Vasyl Eleniak and Ivan Pylypiw  from the Galicia province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire).






   More than 5 points – you are a little Canadian.

   More than 10 points – you are a good Canadian.

   More than 15 points – you are a really Canadian.

   If you have got 20 points – you are a great expert on Canada. Congratulations!





До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
29 червня 2022
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