Quiz Party "How well do you know Shakespeare"

Про матеріал
У квітні відзначають день народження Вільяма Шекспіра, який визнаний найвидатнішим англійським драматургом усіх часів. Його вважають національним поетом та одним із символів Англії. Метою нашого заходу є подальше ознайомлення із життєвим та творчим шляхом Шекспіра. Цей виховний захід сприяє підвищенню інтересу учнів до вивчення англійської мови та літератури країни, мова якої вивчається. Використовуючи кращі зразки англійської літератури, ми збагачуємо знання учнів, підвищуємо мотивацію до її вивчення. У процесі проведення свята учасники переглядають відеоролики про життя драматурга, декламують сонети Шекспіра, грають уривки відомих п'єс, а також виконують завдання для перевірки отриманих знань про творчість англійського класика.
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How well  you know Shakespeare

Quiz Party



Level - B1 – Intermediate

Teacher: Oksana Faryna, teacher- methodologist


The Objectives:

- to practise pupils’ speaking skills;

- to develop pupils’ skills in extensive listening;

- to improve pupils’ abilities in team work;

- to activate vocabulary;

- to deepen pupils’ knowledge about the life of William Shakespeare;

- to practise reciting the sonnets by William Shakespeare;

- to dramatise the scene from the life of Shakespeare’s family;

- to promote pupils’ creativity and imagination.



- a projector;

- presentation with tasks for the teams;

- handouts with activities for the teams;

- 2 short videos about the life of Shakespeare;

- posters with quotes by William Shakespeare.



I. Dramatising.

( Свято починається під звуки музики XVII ст. З’являється учень одягнений Шекспіром та двоє ведучих ( хлопець та дівчина).

Presenter 1: Dear friends! We are glad to introduce the greatest playwright and poet

W. Shakespeare to you. Our party is dedicated to his life and work. You’ll be able to show your knowledge of his plays and sonnets, your dramatising and artistic abilities, your fantasy in creating your costumes.

Presenter 2: The name of W. Shakespeare is known all over the world. The last half of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries are known as the Golden Age of the English literature. It was the time of the English Renaissance, and sometimes it is called “ The Age of Shakespeare”.

Presenter 1: The first facts of Shakespeare’s biography are that he was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon.

“ Shakespeare”:And now it’s my turn to speak. Stratford-upon- Avon is a marvelous place: I was born there and went back there to die. It was well- known for its markets and fairs. The town stands on the Avon, a pretty river with grass and trees on both banks.

Presenter 2: So, your childhood was rather happy, wasn’t it?

“ Shakespeare”: Yes, it was. And it was due to my parents. Let me introduce my father.

( На сцену виходить учень у костюмі купця XVI ст.- « Джон Шекспір».)

“ John Shakespeare”: My name is John Shakespeare. I am a dealer in corn, meat, wool and leather. I am a man of some importance in Stratford, next to the Mayor. I am married. Meet my wife Mary Arden.

( На сцену виходить мати В. Шекспіра, « Мері Аден».)

Mary is the youngest daughter of a rich farmer. She is a woman of lovely character.

Mary: Thank you, for your kind words, but we are here not to speak about ourselves. I am going to talk about William. I am proud to have such a clever son. He was always good at learning. He attended grammar school at Stratford, he learned to read and write there, and it was not an easy task at that time, because reading was taught as learning by heart. And school teachers kept discipline according to the proverb: “Spare the rod and you spoil the child.” Besides, he had a kind of private lessons at home. An Italian who lived in our house taught him Latin, Italian and poetry of many foreign authors.

Presenter 2: (звертаючись до « У. Шекспіра»): So. You were learning all the time at school and at home. Wasn’t your boyhood dull and boring?

“Shakespeare”: Not at all. My childhood was full of fishing and hunting. Besides, I was still a boy when I began to write plays and poems. I devoted my first verses to my beloved Anne Hathaway. Let me introduce my wife to you.

                     ( З’являється «Анна».)

“ Anne”:I can’t say that my marriage was a happy one and how could it be when Willie left me, our 2 daughters and a son, and went to London?

“ Shakespeare”: I had to go there  because there was no work for me in Stratford. That’s why I decided to go to London and try myself first as an actor and later as a playwright.

 Presenter 1: And you were right because you created a lot of literary works there. By the way,  (звертаючись до учнів) do you know how many sonnets and plays Shakespeare created?

( Учні відповідають)

Presenter 1: Yes, you are right. W. Shakespeare created 2 poems, 154 sonnets and 37 plays.

Presenter 2: And now we’re going to watch a short video “ William Shakespeare- in a nutshell” which tells about the main facts from the life of the famous playwright.

                    (Watching a video.)

Presenter 3: We know that William Shakespeare is a famous playwright, actor and poet. He wrote many sonnets which are popular and loved by people in different countries. Let’s listen to some of them.

                    (Some girls come to the stage and recite sonnets of Shakespeare.)




II. Quiz Show.

 Teacher: Now it’s time to start our quiz show. Today we have 2 teams. We’ll have a chance to see how well they know Shakespeare’s plays. Let’s greet our teams!


   I. Group the plays according to literary genre.

  Presenter 3: Each team gets cards with titles of Shakespeare’s plays. Among them are comedies, tragedies and historical dramas. The task is to group the titles according to their literary genres.





"The Comedy Of Errors" "Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark"

"The Taming Of The Shrew" "Romeo And Juliet"

"The Two Gentlemen Of Verona" "Othello"

"All's Well That Ends Well" "King Lear"

"A Midsummer Night's Dream" "Macbeth"

"Much Ado About Nothing" "Julius Caesar"

"Twelfth Night" "Antony And Cleopatra"



"King Henry IV"

                                               "King Richard III"  

"King John


“Shakespeare”: I appreciate your knowledge of the titles of my works. But do you know their content? How thoroughly have you read them? Now the teams have the chance to prove that they’re good at knowing the main characters and facts described in my plays.


II.Choose the right answer.

Presenter 3: On the screen you can see 10 questions and 3 variants of answers to them. The task for the teams is to choose the correct answer.


1) What main hero lost his father, who was killed by his uncle?                (Hamlet, Othello, King Lear)

2) What was the name of the girl who fell in love with a man in a mask? (Juliet, Ophelia, Cleopatra)

3)  What king had 3 daughters?                                                                  (King Lear, Claudius, Jaques)

4) Who said "To be or not to be — that is the question"?                         (Hamlet, Antony, Yago)

5) Whose last words were: "Thus with a kiss I die"?                                ( Romeo’s, Richard’s, Tybalt’s)

6) Who said "I kissed you before I killed"?                                              (Othello, King Lear, Julius Caesar)

7) Whom do the words "All the world's a stage, and all

 the men and women  merely players" belong to?                                    (Jaques, Yago, Claudius)

8) In which play did three man wear women's clothes?                          ("The Merry Wives of Windsor",

                                                                                               "All's Well that Ends Well", "As You Like It")

9) Whose words are these: "Alas poor Yorick"?                                     (Hamlet's, Mercucio's, Othello's) 10)Who said: "How sharper than a serpent's tooth

it is to have a thankless child"?                                                           (King Lear, Richard III, Julius Caesar)


III. Sort out the jumbled titles.

Presenter 3: And now I announce the next task for the teams. On the poster you can see the titles of 14 plays by W. Shakespeare. But the titles have been jumbled up. You should write a correct list of the plays.




Henry III                                                                    King Beth

The Merry Wives of Venice                                      Romeo and Cleopatra

Julius Andronicus                                                      The Merchant of Windsor

Antony and Juliet                                                       Richard IV

Maclear                                                                      Hamlet, Prince of Verona

The Two Gentlemen of Denmark                              A Winter's Dream

A Midsummer Night's Tale                                       Titus Caesar


(Командам необхідно відновити правильні назви творів, наприклад: “ Romeo and Juliet”, “ Antony and Cleopatra”.



IV. Guess the place.

Teacher: Now you’re going to watch a short video. The task for the teams is to tell what place or places connected with Shakespeare’s life we see on the screen.

(Key: In the video we see a reconstruction of the original Globe Theatre in London. Now it’s a theatre and a museum.)


V. Guess the names of characters.

Presenter 1: And now you’re going to watch 2 fragments from different Shakespeare’s plays. They will be role- played by pupils of our school. The teams should tell the names of characters and also the titles of the plays.


III. A Song Performance.

Teacher: The play “Romeo and Juliet” was written in the 16th century. Nevertheless, it is still popular nowadays. Millions of tourists visit Verona in Italy to see the famous balcony where Juliet was standing and talking to her beloved Romeo. In the 21st century young people also fall in love and continue speaking about love. Love always lives in our hearts. We are going to listen to a lyrical song about this feeling. The song is performed by Sophia Mykhnych. So, let’s welcome Sophia.

                        (Sophia is singing a song.)


IV. Famous Quotations by William Shakespeare.

            (2 girls come to the stage)

Girl 1: People in many countries reread again and again the works of William Shakespeare. Some quotes taken from his plays look like proverbs.

Girl 2: These quotes are so well- known to many people that we never think they were written in the 16th century as they are still true to modern life. Listen to some of them.

          ( Girls in turn read aloud the well- known quotes.)


  • All well that ends well
  • Brevity is the soul of wit
  • Much ado about nothing
  • To be or not to be, that is the question
  • Life is not all cakes and ale
  • Have more than you show, speak less than you know.


Teacher: Yes, really 4 centuries have passed and we continue to speak about William Shakespeare as a great man of all times. On the screen we can see one more quote connected with Shakespeare’s   understanding of being great.

         “Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”


V. Summarising.

Teacher: And now the floor goes to the jury.

           (The members of the jury announce the results of the quiz.)

Teacher: Finishing our party I can’t but mention another quotation by William Shakespeare.


I always feel happy. You know why?

Because I don’t expect anything from anyone.

Expectations always hurt.

Life is short. So love your life.

Be happy and keep smiling. Just live

for yourself and before you speak, listen.

Before you write, think. Before you spend,

earn. Before you pray, forgive.

Before you hurt, feel.

Before you hate, love. Before you quit,

try. Before you die, live.


Teacher: These lines were written long time ago, but let’s follow the wishes of a great man today. I’d like to wish everybody good luck, love your life and thank you for coming to our party.

15 лютого 2023
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