Тест з англійської мови для 9 класу з теми "Inventions and Discoveries"

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Тестові завдання для перевірки рівня сформованості знань та вмінь з теми "Inventions and Discoveries"

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Topic: Inventions and Discoveries

A Test

Variant 1


Ex. 1. Match the parts of the word-combination

1. to launch

a. relativity

2. a remarkable

b. discovery

3. a theory of

c. a bridge

4. to succeed in

d. a rocket

5. to construct

c. space-rocket engineering

6. to invent

f. the television set


Ex. 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box using the proper forms of the verbs

the periodic table of the elements        to discover         explorer           invent     observations        a light bulb

1. Christopher Columbus …  America
2. Dmitriy Mendeleiev created …
3. Scientists make lots of …
4. James Kook is a famous …
5. John Logie Baird … the television set.
6. Thomas Edison invented a …



Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets

1. This cheese (to make) in Italy.
2. The fence  (to paint) last week.
3. The washing machine (to fix) by my Dad.
4. The presents (to give) to her yesterday.
5. The emails (to write) by the best friends.
6. The TV (to watch) by my granny.



Ex. 4. Write about any invention or discovery you like










A Test

Variant 2


Ex. 1. Match the parts of the word-combination

1. to produce

a. invention

2. a harmful

b. the first cars

3. to construct

c. the first accurate clock

4. to design

d. the telescope

5.  to invent

c. of gravity

6. the law

f. the fridge


Ex. 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box using the proper forms of the verbs

A formula for the volume of a sphere       DNA       to design     to invent      explorer         radium

1. The structure of … was deciphered in the 20th century.
2. Archimedes discovered … .
3. Nikola Tesla … the best type of electric generator.
4. Leonardo da Vinci … the prototypes of the helicopter.
5. Volodymyr Vernadskiy is a famous … .
6. Marie Curie discovered … .



Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets

1. The flat (to clean) on Saturdays.
2. The bridge (to build) ten years ago.
3. The bags (to buy) by my mother.
4. This computer (to make) in China.
5. The articles (to discuss) by the reporters yesterday.
6. The book (to publish) last year.



Ex. 4. Write about any invention or discovery you like











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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
19 лютого 2023
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