Reading Comprehension Test

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Тест з читання. Текст для читання з теми Збереження навколишнього середовища. Питання з вибором правильної відповіді в тексті
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Reading Comprehension Test: Be an Environmental Champion

Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

Title: Be an Environmental Champion: Tips for 10 to 13-Year-Olds

Introduction: Hey there, eco-warriors! Did you know that even at your age, you have the power to make a big difference in protecting our planet? By taking small steps, you can become an environmental champion and help improve our environment. Here are some simple tips just for you:

  1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Remember the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! To reduce waste, use reusable water bottles and lunch containers instead of disposable ones. Reuse items like old jars for storage or get creative with DIY crafts. And don't forget to recycle paper, plastic, and other recyclables. Every small action counts!
  2. Save Energy: You can save energy and help the environment by turning off lights and electronics when you're not using them. Remind your family members to do the same! Unplugging chargers when not in use and using energy-efficient light bulbs are other great ways to conserve energy. You're an energy-saving superstar!
  3. Conserve Water: Water is precious, so let's use it wisely. Take shorter showers and turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth. If you see any leaks or dripping faucets at home or school, let an adult know. Every drop saved makes a difference!
  4. Plant Trees and Gardens: Trees and plants are like superheroes for our planet. Get involved in tree-planting activities in your community or plant your own mini-garden. You can grow flowers or vegetables. Not only will you have fun, but you'll also help clean the air and create habitats for birds and butterflies. How cool is that?
  5. Advocate for the Environment: Become a voice for the environment! Learn about important environmental issues, like pollution or climate change, and share your knowledge with others. Write letters to local officials, join clean-up events, or start an environmental club at school. Your actions can inspire others to make a difference too!
  6. Appreciate Nature: Step outside and embrace the wonders of nature! Take walks in local parks, explore forests, or go on nature scavenger hunts. Observe birds, insects, and plants around you. The more you connect with nature, the more you'll want to protect it.
  7. Educate Others: Spread the environmental love by educating your friends, family, and classmates. Create posters, give presentations at school, or make videos to share important tips and facts. Together, we can create a greener and healthier world!

Now answer the following questions:

  1. What are the three Rs mentioned in the text? Why are they important?
  2. How can you save energy at home?
  3. Why is it important to conserve water? Give one example of how you can conserve water.
  4. How can planting trees and gardens help the environment?
  5. What are some ways you can advocate for the environment?
  6. Why is it beneficial to appreciate and connect with nature?
  7. How can you educate others about environmental issues?
  8. What is the main message of the passage?


Remember to answer the questions based on the information provided in the passage. Good luck!

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Kurkina Natalya
15 червня 2023
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