Reading "Four seasons"

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Текст із завданнями "Four seasons" для читання у 3 класі та перевірки розуміння прочитаного. Містить різнорівневі та цікаві для учнів завдання.
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Four Seasons.

There are four seasons in a year.

Ben, Polly, Lilly and Sam are friends.

Sam is 7 years old. His  birthday is in January. And his favourite season is winter. He likes making a snowman and playing snowballs with his friends. It is cold in winter and he is wearing a coat and boots.

Lilly is 8. She likes sunny weather, because her birthday is in May. She also likes flying kites. Her favourite season is spring.

Ben is nine. His favourite season is summer, because he likes riding his bike. His birthday is in July. It is sunny and Ben is wearing a T-shirt and shirts.

Polly is 7 years old. She doesn’t like snowy weather. Her favourite season is autumn because her birthday is in November. She likes painting pictures and reading comics.



  1. Complete the sentences.
  1. It is cold ______________________________________________.

b.There are four __________________________________________.

  1. It is sunny and __________________________________________.
  2. She likes painting ________________________________________.


  1. Yes or No?
  1. Lilly likes sunny weather. _____
  2. Sam is 8 years old. _______
  3. Ben’s birthday is in September.______
  4. Polly likes painting pictures. ______


  1. Circle the odd words.
  1. Polly, Sam, snowy, Lilly
  2. July, November, May, Sam
  3. 7, Sunny, 8,7
  4. Lilly, summer, spring, winter


12 грудня 2021
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