Reading test for 5th form

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Teachers can use this task to check their students reading comprehension. Can be used as a test or home reading. help students to improve critical thinking and imagination.

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The Lamb and the Wolf

One day a little lamb lost his way in a dark forest. He ran here and there, but he couldn't find his way home. He was scared and began to bleat.

A hungry wolf heard him. The wolf was happy to see such a good dinner.

"Oh, Mr. Wolf," said the little lamb, "please, show me the way home."

"Show you the way home?" asked the wolf, and laughed: "I am hungry. I want to eat you."

The lamb didn't know what to do. Then he had an idea.

"Oh, Mr. Wolf," he said, "I know that you can sing very well. And I like to dance. Please sing for me, I want to dance. It is my last dance before you eat me."

The wolf liked these words. He thought that he could sing very well.

"All right," he said. "I often sing before my dinner. Today I'm very hungry, but I can sing one song before I eat you."

So the wolf sang a song and the lamb danced. Then the wolf stopped singing, but the lamb said:

"Your song is wonderful. Can you sing louder?"

"Yes, I can sing louder than any other animal in the forest. Listen!"

So the wolf sang a very loud song, and the lamb danced again. But the wolf made so much noise that the dogs in the village heard him and ran into the forest to see what the matter was. When the wolf saw the dogs, he ran away. And the little lamb ran quickly home to his mother.

1. Answer the questions.

When and where does the story happen?

Who is the main character?

What is his problem at the beginning of the story?

How does the character feel? What does he do?

Does the problem become smaller or greater when he meets another character? Why?

How does the character try to solve the problem?

Who helps the character to solve the problem?

What is the main idea of the story?

2. What do you think of the characters? Choose some of the adjectives to characterize them.

honest, dishonest, angry, timid, fair, clever, helpful, boastful, silly, envious, vain 

I like (don't like) the ……………………… . I think that the ……………………… is ……………………… and ……………………… .

3. What will you do if you lose your way in the forest?

4. Close the text. Put the dialogue in the right order.*

"Your song is wonderful. Can you sing louder?" 
"Show you the way home? I am hungry. I want to eat you."
"Oh, Mr. Wolf, I know that you can sing very well. And I like to dance. Please sing for me, I want to dance. It is my last dance before you eat me."
"Yes, I can sing louder than any other animal in the forest. Listen."
"Oh, Mr. Wolf, please, show me the way home."
"All right, I often sing before my dinner. Today I'm very hungry, but I can sing one song before I eat you."


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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 листопада 2018
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