Reading Texts about Ukraine

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Ці тексти з теми «Україна» пропонуються для учнів 8-х класів з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови. Їх тематика відповідає програмі для поглибленого вивчення іноземних мов. Тексти та завдання до них сприяють розвитку навичок читання, усного мовлення.
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You are going to read the text about your native land. These words are in the text you are going to read. What do they mean? Check in the dictionary.


to mention, to be associated, to place, occupy, to stretch, to border on, development, to divide, an access, to promote, trade, fertile, plain, to skirt, plateau, elevation, valley, within, summit, slope, favourable, condition, to grow, natural resourses, iron, ore, coal, non-ferrous metals, oil, wheat, maize, corns


The geographical position of Ukraine


The term Ukraina was first mentioned in the chronicles in the 12th cen­tury as a geographical name for the southern lands of the ancient Rus State] In the process of the creation of a Ukrainian nationality the name Ukraine began to be associated with southwestern Rus territories of Kyiv, Chernigiv, Volyn, Podillya, Eastern Galicia, Transcarpathia, Northern Bukovyna and Zaporizhya regions.

Ukraine is situated in the south-east of Europe. It’s territory of Ukraine is 603,7 thousand square kilometers. Two such countries as Italy can be placed on this territory. Ukraine occupies 42nd place in the world as to its territory being larger than any country in Western Europe. Ukraine stretches for 1300 km from east to west and 900 km from north to south.

Ukraine borders on Russia, Moldova, Rumania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Belarus. The geographical position of Ukraine is ideal for the development of its resources.

Ukraine is the country of many rivers. The Dnipro River divides Ukraine into two parts: Right Bank and Left-Bank Ukraine. The Danube gives Ukraine access to European countries and the Siversky Donets — to the Don.

In the south Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The Black Sea and navigable rivers have promoted the development of trade and culture successfully.

Ukraine consists of a flat, fertile plain occupied mainly by steppes and forest-steppe regions. Lowlands occupy a considerable part of the country. The Polissia Lowland lies in the north. The Dnieper Lowland runs along the left bank of the Dnipro River. The Black Sea Lowland skirts the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

The Dnipro Plateau lies between the Southern Bug and the Dnipro. It is 321 m high. The Volhyn Plateau is 300 m in elevation. The Podillia Plateau is cut by valleys of 200 m. The Azov Plateau and the Donets Ridge lie in the  southeast of Ukraine.

Within the borders of Ukraine there are the Carpathian Mountains with the highest peak Hoverla 2061 m high. The Carpathians have flat summits and gentle slopes. There are many treeless summits, which are called polonynas.

The Crimean Mountains with their southern steep slopes stretch in three parallel ranges. The highest peak of the Main Range Roman Kosh is 1545 m high.

The geographical position of Ukraine is very favourable because the country lies on the crossroads of the ways from Asia to Europe. Since the times of Kyivan Rus Ukrainian roads have been used for trade contacts.

Due to favourable climatic conditions, Ukraine is traditionally an ag­ricultural country. Wheat, maize and other corns, vegetables, all kinds of fruit are grown here.

The country is rich in natural resources, such as iron ore, coal, non-ferrous metals, oil, gas. It has a developed heavy and light industry, concentrated mostly in and around big cities, such as Kyiv, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Kharkiv, Lviv, Mykolaiv and others.





1. Choose the best words to complete the sentences


  1. Ukraine is situated in the ___________________.

a) south-west of Europe

b) north-east of Europe

с) south-east of Europe


  1. Ukraine borders on _______________________.

a) 8 countries

b) 7 countries

с) 9 countries

  1. ______________ divides Ukraine into two parts.

a) The Dnipro River

b) The Danude River

с) the Don River

  1. ______________ Ukraine is washed by two seas.

a) in the north

b) in the west

c) in the south

  1. Ukraine consists of _________________________________________.

a)a mountainous plain

b)a flat plain

c)a flat fertile plain

  1. Within the borders of Ukraine there are _________________________.

a)the Carpathian mountains and the Crimean mountains

b)the Carpathian mountains and the Alps

c)the Crimean  mountains and the Urals

  1. The geographical position of Ukraine is __________________________.

a) nice

b) comfortable

c) favourable

  1. Ukraine is ___________ in mineral resourses.

a) poor

b) rich

c) important


2.Answer to these questions.


  1. Where is Ukraine situated?
  2. What is the territory of Ukraine?
  3. What countries does it border on?
  4. What is the main river of Ukraine?
  5. What seas is it washed by?
  6. What is the landscape of Ukraine?
  7. Why do they say that Ukraine is traditionally an agricultural country?
  8. Is our country rich in mineral resources? What are they?


3 Find in the text:


1. ten things that describe the landscape of the country._____________________

2. eight things that mean lands where people live._________________________

3. five things that people grow________________

4. five things our country is rich in _______________

5. four things that mean waterways _________________

6. two things that mean a great__________ amount of water.








Text 2


You are going to read the text about the climate of Ukraine. These words are in the text.


Influence, moderately, continental, differ, average, degree, above zero, rain fall, occur, shower, thunderstorm, hail, sleet, cover, fog frequent, due to, condition, undoubtedly, moreover, blossom


Climate of Ukraine

Ukraine occupies the territory that is situated in the eastern part of Europe.

There are the Carpathian Mountains in the west and the Crimean Mountains in the south. Ukrainian territory is washed by the Azov Sea and the Black Sea. These factors influence the climate of Ukraine. It is mostly moderately continental.

But the Crimea differs greatly from the other parts of the territory. The climate there is subtropical. One can see the difference even in the average summer and winter temperatures. The average summer temperature is 22-25 degrees above zero, but it is usually 25-30 C in the Crimea. Though lately the thermometer can rise to 30-35 degrees above zero on the whole territory of Ukraine. The winter tem­perature in the Crimea is about 3 degrees above zero as the Crimean Mountains stop cold winds from the north.

The Carpathian Mountains differ from the rest of the Ukrainian territory in the amount of rains. The highest rainfall is noticed in this part. Summer is usually dry and hot in Ukraine, but in the Carpathians there often occur showers and thunderstorms. Sometimes storms bring hail, which is very unfavorable for agriculture.

Winter is usually not very cold. The average temperature is 7-10 degrees below zero. Sleet is quite usual for Ukrai­nian cities and towns in winter. Still winter snow cover is typical for the climate of Ukraine except the southern part.

Fogs are not frequent in this country, but they may happen in autumn or spring. The best month are undoubtedly May and September. It is warm, but not too hot, and it does nor rain very often. Moreover the lilac and the chestnut trees  which the capital of Ukraine Kyiv and other cities and towns are famous for are in full blossom. This is the best time for visiting Ukraine.



  1. Read the statement. Write T (true) or F (false).


  1. The geographical position influences the climate of Ukraine.
  2. It is moderately continental.
  3. The climate in the Crimea is similar to the other parts of the territory.
  4. The highest rainfall is noticed in the Crimea.
  5. In the Crimea showers and thunderstorms often occur.
  6. Hail is favourable for agriculture.
  7. Winter snow cover is typical for the climate of Ukraine.
  8. Fogs may happen in autumn or spring.



  1. Answer these questions.


1) What do you think influences the climate of Ukraine?

2) Does the Crimea differs from other parts of the territory? What are these differences?

3) What is the weather like in the Carpathian Mountains?

4) What do you think is typical for the climate in winter?



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