Reading The Elephant and the Dog

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Home reading

The Elephant and the Dog

Once upon a time there lived a Dog. One day he came to the King’s Elephant. He was very hungry and wanted to eat very much. In some months the Elephant and the Dog became close friends. The Elephant gave his food to the Dog and they ate together very often. When the Elephant slept, his friend slept too. When the Elephant wanted to play, he caught the Dog in his trunk and swung him to and fro. They were very happy together.

One day a farmer saw the Dog and asked the elephant-keeper:

“How much do you want for the dog? I want to buy him. He looks very clever.”

 The elephant-keeper wanted much money. The farmer paid it. He took the Dog with him to the village.

When the time came for the King’s Elephant to eat, he did not eat. When the time came for him to bathe, he didn’t bathe, he didn’t bathe. He was very sad because there wasn’t his friend with him. Many days he didn’t want to eat, to bathe and to play.

One day the King came to the elephant-keeper’s house and asked him:

“Why is the Elephant so sad? Where is his friend who ate and slept and played with the Elephant?”

 The elephant-keeper answered that the farmer bought the Dog and took him away to the village. And nobody knew where the farmer lived.

 “Very well”, said the King. “My servants must find the farmer and asked him to turn the Dog loose”.

 The farmer heard about King’s will and turned the Dog loose. The Dog ran back as fast as he could to the Elephant’s stable. The Elephant was very happy to see the Dog. He picked him up with his trunk and placed him on his head. Then he said to the King:

 “We will live together all the rest of our days. Thank you very much.”

Checking Comprehension Exercises


1. Find the correct answer.

1. One day a … came to the King’s Elephant:

a) a Horse; b) a Dog; c) a Cat.

2. The Dog was very…

a) thirsty; b) angry; c) hungry;

3. The Elephant shared his … with the Dog.

a) food; b) house; c) bed;

4. The Farmer took the Dog away to…

a) the city; b) the village; c) another country;

5. The Dog ran back as fast as he could to the …

a) wood; b) lake; c) Elephant’s stable.

2. Who said it?

1. “Why is the Elephant so sad?”

2. “Very well. My servants must find the farmer and ask him to turn the Dog loose”.

3. “We’ll live together all the rest of our days”.

4. “ How much do you want for the dog?”

3. Write down the Past Tense form of the irregular verbs.

1) to come –   4) to run -

2) to eat –    5) to know -

3) to be –    6) to find –

4. Complete the following sentences. Use the words from the box.

food, Kind, will, stable, to eat

1. The Dog ran back as fast as he could to the Elephant’s …

2. The Elephant shared his … with the Dog.

3. He was very hungry and wanted … very much.

4. One day the … came to the elephant-keeper.

5. The farmed heard about King’s … and turned the Dog loose.

5 лютого 2019
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