Topic: Professions of family member
Learning outcomes
to practice the name of profession;
to present a grammar _s; -es in present simple
to speak about family member professing
Language: burger, dentist, nurse, police officer, postman, to catch, to repair, vet
Basic competence:
Language competence – pupils speak about profession
Cultural awareness and expression – pupils work together pairs work
Mathematical competence – Pupils work out a name with definition
Ecology and healthy life – pupils relaxed
Information – using multimedia board
Materials : books, board, CD , card, mind map, picture of tree
Хід уроку
І Warm up
Good morning children. I’m glad to see you
Who is in duty today?
What day and date is it today?
How are you? – You see three color leaves please choose one and say how you feel today and what is your mood?
Cheking hometask
What was your home task for today?
Lets check….
II Main part
Today we shell speak about profession and in the and of the lessons you will be able to speak about your mother/ father profession.
Look at the screen and name the profession Впр 1 с 90
Vocabulary revision
Meaning- грабіжник, стоматолог, медсестра, міліціонер, листоноша, ловити, лагодити, ветеринар
Form – читають за мною. Game “Mumbling”
Practice – Work in pairs – Впр 4 с 91
Grammar revision
Presentation – пояснення правил
Practice He /She/ It repair, help, teach, catch, work
Listening and writing
Впр 2 с 90 – прослухати запис – виписати назви професій
Ask and answer
Впр 3 с 91- дати відповідь на запитання
1. a doctor a)teaches pupils
2 .a teacher b) catch burglar
3 .a driver c)helps sick people
4. a police officer d) drives cars
5. a postman e) bring letters
- What is your mother by profession
III Summarizing
Home tsk
Learn words
Card 1
I have got a father. He is a …..(професія)
I have got a mother. She is a …..(професія)
Reflection - Maybe somebody want to change the leaves
What you like?
What was difficult?
What you do not understand?