Розробка дистанційного уроку з теми Shops and market

Про матеріал
Матеріал підійде для дистанційного уроку у 4 класі . Розроблений за підручником Будна 4 клас. Урок містить різноманітні вправи на аудіювання читання та письма
Перегляд файлу

Group 3

Lesson plan template

Class: 4

Level: A1(9-10 years old)

Topic: Shops and shopping


a) At the lesson: warm-up –greeting song (2 min), do the task with words vocabulary using Microsoft Whiteboard (4 min), watch the video and repeat the names of different kinds of shops using Powtoon (5 min) then do the tasks use Live worksheets (3 min), repeat the names of money using flashcards then do the task using wordwall (5), then let's have a rest watch video and move (2 min), after that we watch dialogue use Climpchamp and then do the task using Microsoft Whiteboard(5), writing task repeat grammar ruler (some, any) using Live worksheets (5 min), reflection (4 min)

b) After the lesson: do a project “Make a shopping list”

Aim:  Practical: activate the vocabulary of the topic, to summarize and systematize the material of the topic, to do the tasks, to improve grammar skills of the topic “Some/An.”

Educational: to expand students’ erudition, to deepen knowledge of the topic, to form communicative and social competencies of students, and to widen pupils’ knowledge about shopping.

Developmental: to develop creative and logical thinking, to develop skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, to teach learners to analyze and make conclusions.

Cultural: to promote a positive attitude towards each other’s opinion, to educate financial literacy.

Outcomes: At the and of the lesson pupils will be able to consolidate the learned vocabulary and learn to use it in monologue and dialogical speech taking into account the learned grammatical structures. 

       Digital literacy:  Develop digital literacy skills through online research, information evaluation, and effective communication using digital tools, critical thinking

         Autonomy: Foster autonomous learning by encouraging students to explore their own shopping preferences, conduct independent research, and take ownership of their learning process.

Time: 35

     Resources: book, video, flashcards, computer or laptop, internet.

     Pre-lesson task: learn the words and watch the video, do the quiz.


Warm-up: greeting song https://youtu.be/tVlcKp3bWH8?si=e6tvGA0VeXf2XAhI 

Speak How are you today?

Do tasks put the missing letters:


Watch the video and repeat vocabulary “Shops”


do tasks:


flashcards money and tasks https://wordwall.net/uk/resource/53141546 https://wordwall.net/resourceajax/qr?activityId=53141546

Let's have a rest watch the video and move


Watch the dialogue and do the task: https://clipchamp.com/watch/V1TS4oqTgIS



Grammar task (Some/any)


Reflection on this topic (some questions about shops and shopping- what would you like to try? what spops do you like more?) 







Post-lesson task make project (Shopping list)





8 січня 2024
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