Функціональні схеми діалогів
Зразок функціональної схеми мікродіалогу 1
Зразок функціональної схеми мікродіалогу 2
Блок- схема діалогу
A Asks if hungry. |
B Refuses. Full |
End |
A:Are you hungry?
B: No, I’m full.
A A:Asks if hungry. |
B B:Is hungry |
A A:Suggests |
B B:Agrees |
End |
A: Are you hungry?
B: Yes, I am.
A: Let’s have some pizza?
B: OK. Great!
A Asks if hungry. |
B Is hungry |
A Suggests |
B Refuses. Too buzy |
End |
A: Are you hungry?
B: Yes, I am.
A: Let’s have some pizza?
B: No, thanks. Not now.
A Asks if thirsty |
B Is thirsty |
A Suggests |
B Agrees |
End |
A: Are you thirsty?
B: Yes, I am.
A: Let’s have some lemonade?
B: OK. Great!
Зразок об’єднаних між собою функціональної
та структурно- мовленнєвої схеми діалогу:
Student A |
Student B |
Example |
Openstheconversation. There is a picnic. Invite. |
It’s at … o’clock. Yes, it’s a good idea. Why don’t you bring your …? Yes, sure. I’ve got some … . What about …? I don’t like… . Why don’t we… ? We can buy… ? Well, you can… Let/s buy… . That’s an excellent idea. See you. |
Agree. Ask student B to bring some music CDs. |
Agree. Askaboutfoodanddrink. Suggest buying chips. |
Don’t like chips. Suggest buying burgers. |
Agree. Suggest buying apple juice. |
Don’t like apple juice. Suggest buying pine-apple juice. |
Like apple juice. Agree to buy apple and pineapple juice. |
Suggest making sandwiches |
Greatidea! Close the conversation. |