Розробка позакласного заходу " Halloween" 4 клас

Про матеріал

Сценарій для початкової школи,який сприяє ознайомленню дітей з традиціями англомовних країн та мотивує дітей до вивчення іноземної мови. Захід проводиться в актовїй залі з запрошенням учнів інших класів та батьків.

Перегляд файлу


Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України

Загальноосвітня школа I-III ступенів № 34



Розробка позакласного

заходу у початковій школі

« Halloween»


Учителя англійської мови вищої категорії Дідовець Тетяни Леонідівни





  1. Ведучий: Hello!
  2. Ведучий: Hi!
  1. 2. We celebrate today Halloween!
  1. Some people think that Halloween is scary.
  2. Дехто вважає,що  Хеллоуін – це страшно i моторошно.
  1. But we turn it into funny and kind holiday.

2. Але ми перетворимо його на веселе і добре свято.

    1. Let`s meet our friends.

2. Зустрічайте наших друзів.

- Song: «Hello, My Friends.»

♫ Hello, my friends. (Hello, my friends.) [Wave with one hand.]
I'm so happy [Point to your smile.]
to see you. [Point to your eyes and then out to your friend.]
Hello, my friends. (Hello, my friends.) [Wave with your other hand.]
Let's go trick-or-treating. [Trick-or-treat gesture.]

Witches and ghosts. (Witches and ghosts.) [Witch and ghost gestures.]
Cowboys, pirates, and monsters. [Cowboy, pirate, and monster gestures.]
Spiders and bats. (Spiders and bats.) [Spider and bat gestures.]
Let's go trick-or-treating.

Hello, my friends. (Hello, my friends.)
I'm so happy to see you.
Hello, my friends. (Hello, my friends.)
Let's go trick-or-treating. 
Let's go trick-or-treating. ♫

     1. This day children go from house to house in funny clothes and say: «Trick or treat».

2. В цей день діти ходять від будинку до будинку в кумедному одязі и кажуть: «Trick or treat» - Солодощі,або пошкодуєте.

1. They get sweets,fruit,cakes,cookies or money for that.

2. Вони отримуют солодощі,фрукти,тістечка,печиво i гроші за це.

Давайте и ми попросимо солодощі – «Trick or treat».(Разом з залом – «Trick or treat».

  • Song «Knock,Trick or treat».

Knock knock, [Pretend to knock on a door.]

trick or treat? [Trick-or-treat gesture.]

Who are you? [Shrug your shoulders and then point forward.]

I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost. [Point to yourself. Ghost gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost.

[Float around the room making ghost noises.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy. [Point to yourself. Cowboy gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy.

[Move around the room like cowboys riding on horses.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a witch. I'm a little witch. [Point to yourself. Witch gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a witch. I'm a little witch.

[Fly around the room like witches riding on broomsticks.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a monster. I'm a little monster. [Point to yourself. Monster gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a monster. I'm a little monster.

[Stomp around the room with your arms in front of you like Frankenstein's monster!]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a ballerina. A little ballerina. [Point to yourself. Ballerina gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a ballerina. A little ballerina.

[Stand on your tippy toes and spin in circles.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a pirate. I'm a little pirate. [Point to yourself. Pirate gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a pirate. I'm a little pirate.

[Make pirate voices - Aaaaarrrrghhh! - and pretend to have sword fights.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. [Halloween gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween.


На сцені чаклує відьма учасники виконують рухи.

Turn around. Touch the ground. (2 р.)

Switch of the light.

( Учасники вигукують разом) Halloween night.

1. Let`s meet а ghost family.

2. Давайте познайомимося з родиною привидів.

1. Don`t be scared!

2. Не лякайтесь!

1. They are fantastic and friendly.

2. Вони фантастичні і дружелюбні.

- Song «We`re a ghost family».

(Шукай пісню на сайті Ghost Family | Halloween Children's Song with Mother Goose Club Playhouse)

Під музику на сцену вилітає відьма. Потім 4 персонажі.

Декламують вірш у ролях.

Witch, Witch, Where do you fly?

Under the clouds and over the sky.


Witch, Witch, What do you eat?

Little black apples from hurricane street.


Witch, Witch, What do you drink?

Vinegar and good red ink.


Witch, Witch, Where do you sleep?

Up in the clouds where the pillows are cheap.

  1. Let’s dance.
  2. Давайте потанцюємо.

(Учасники танцюють.)

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. [Skeleton dance.]

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. [Skeleton dance. Move to the right.]

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. [Skeleton dance. Move to the left.]

Doin' the skeleton dance. [Skeleton dance.]

The foot bone's connected to the leg bone. [Point to your foot, then to your lower leg.]

The leg bone's connected to the knee bone. [Point to your lower leg, then your knee.]

The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone. [Point to your knee, then your thigh.]

Doin' the skeleton dance.

The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone. [Point to your thigh, then your hip.]

The hip bone's connected to the backbone. [Point to your hip, then your back.]

The backbone's connected to the neck bone. [Point to your back, then your neck.]

Doin' the skeleton dance.

Shake your hands to the left.

Shake your hands to the right.

Put your hands in the air.

Put your hands out of sight. [Put your hands behind your back.]

Shake your hands to the left.

Shake your hands to the right.

Put your hands in the air.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,

wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,

wiggle, wiggle...wiggle your knees. [Wiggle your whole body, moving your hands all the way down your body until they reach your knees.]

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.

Doin' the skeleton dance.

1. We hope you liked our skeleton.

2. Сподіваємося,вам сподобався наш skeleton.

1. But if you don`t like any characters.

2. Але якщо вам не подобаються якісь персонажі.

1. Say them: «Go away!»

2. Скажіть їм: «Ідіть геть!»

Давайте спробуємо разом «Go away.(Зал повторює).

  • Song «Go away,spooky Goblin…».

Go away, spooky goblin, go away. Go away! [Push your hands away from your body. Goblin gesture. Push your hands away from your body.]

Go away, spooky goblin, go away. Go away!

Go away, spooky goblin.

Go away, spooky goblin.

Go away, spooky goblin, go away. Go away!

Go away, scary spider, go away. Go away! [Spider gesture.]

Go away, scary spider, go away. Go away!

Go away, scary spider.

Go away, scary spider.

Go away, scary spider, go away. Go away!

Go away, spooky skeleton, go away. Go away! [Skeleton gesture.]

Go away, spooky skeleton, go away. Go away!

Go away, spooky skeleton.

Go away, spooky skeleton.

Go away, spooky skeleton, go away. Go away!

Go away, scary bat, go away. Go away! [Bat gesture.]

Go away, scary bat, go away. Go away!

Go away, scary bat.

Go away, scary bat.

Go away, scary bat, go away. Go away!

  1. Let`s go again: «Trick or treat».
  2. Ходімо знову за солодощами.
  • Song «Trick or treat».

Trick or treat? [Trick-or-treat gesture.]

Trick or treat?

Give me something [Hold out both hands, as if receiving something.]

good to eat. [Thumbs up.]

Apples, peaches, tangerines. [Point to the picture cards.]

Happy Happy Halloween. [Happy face. Halloween gesture.]

Trick or treat?

Trick or treat?

Give me something

sweet to eat. [Sweet gesture.]

Cookies, chocolate, jelly beans. [Point to the picture cards.]

Happy Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat?

Trick or treat?

Give me something sour to eat. [Sour gesture.]

Lemons, grapefruits, limes so green. [Point to the picture cards.]

Happy Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat?

Trick or treat?

Give me something good to eat.

Nuts and candy. Lollipops. [Point to the picture cards.]

Now it's time for us to stop. [Put both hands out with your palms facing forward, signaling "stop."]

  1. Who took the candy from the «Trick or treat» bag.
  2. Хтось взяв цукерку з «Мішечка для подарунків».

Game «Who took the candy…».

Who took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag? [Pat your legs and clap your hands.]

The monster took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag.

Who me? [The monster points to herself.]

Yes, you! [The other students nod their heads "yes" and point at the monster.]

Not me! [The monster shakes her head "no."]

Then who? [The students shrug their shoulders.]

The ghost! [The monster points at the ghost.]

Who took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag?

The ghost took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag.

Who me? [The ghost points to himself.]

Yes, you! [The other students nod their heads "yes" and point at the ghost.]

Not me! [The ghost shakes his head "no."]

Then who? [The students shrug their shoulders.]

The witch! [The ghost points at the witch.]

Who took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag?

The witch took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag.

Who me? [The witch points to herself.]

Yes, you! [The other students nod their heads "yes" and point at the witch.]

Not me! [The witch shakes her head "no."]

Then who?

The pirate! [The witch points at the pirate.]

Who took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag?

The pirate took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag.

Who me? [The pirate points to himself.]

Yes, you! [The other students nod their heads "yes" and point at the pirate.]

Not me! [The pirate shakes his head "no."]

Then who?

The vampire! [The pirate points at the vampire.]

Who took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag?

The vampire took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag.

Who me? [The vampire points to herself.]

Yes, you! [The other students nod their heads "yes" and point at the vampire.]

Okay, okay... I took the candy. [The vampire nods her head "yes" and pretends to eat the candy.]

It was so delicious! It was so yummy! It was so fantastic!

  1. Let`s play a game.
  2. Давайте пограємось.

(Game « 5 Little Monsters»).

Five little monster jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

Momma called the doctor and the doctor said

No more monster jumping on the bed!

Four little monster jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Momma called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more monster jumping on the bed!

    Three little monsters  jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Momma called the doctor and the doctor said

No more monster jumping on the bed!

Two little monster jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

Momma called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more monster jumping on the bed!

One little monster jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

Momma called the doctor and the doctor said,

Put those monster right to bed,

No more monster jumping on the bed!

  1. Now our holiday is over.
  2.  Наше свято закінчилось.
  1. 2. Goodbye!




15 липня 2018
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