Pancake Day
Form 3
Англійська мова
Автор: Сергієнко Ірина Сергіївна, учитель англійської мови Білоцерківської загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІІ ступенів №7 імені генерал-полковника Геннадія Воробьова
• to revise vocabulary on topics “Food”
• tо form language competence in speaking and reading;
• to develop listening comprehension;
• to develop pupils' group work;
• to develop pupils' attention and reaction, memory, logical thinking creative abilities;
• to develop pupils` interest to learning foreign languages.
EQUIPMENT: didactic materials, toy cups, a presentation (, songs
I. Greeting
Teacher: Good morning! How are you today?
II. Warm-up
Teacher: Do you like holidays?
What holidays do you know?
(Christmas, New Year`s Day, Halloween, Mother`s Day)
Teacher: Today we are going to talk about Pancake Day. (Slide 1-2)
Look at the screen. You can see two words: pan+cakes.
Teacher: Before we start doing the tasks, read the words. (Slide 3)
III. Main Part
Teacher: What do you like on your pancakes? (Slide 4)
Now look at your desks. You can see pancakes. Pancakes have chocolate, jam and berries on the top. There are three teams.
Task 1. Word-searching. (Slide 5). Look at the pictures. What can you see? If you give the correct answer, your team will get a point.
Be polite and attentive!
Task 2. Now work together and search the words. (Slide 6) How many words have you found? Read them.
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Look at the screen. (Slide 7)
Task 3. Choose the correct ingredients. (Slide 8)
Task 4. True or false. Read the text and answer: true or false. (Slide 9)
I like pancakes.
I need some flour,
eggs, sugar, salt and
oil for cooking pancakes.
I like pancakes with honey or jam.
Task 5. Listen to the songs and count the word “Pancakes” How many times can you hear it? (Slide 10)
Task 6. Game. (Slide 11-12)
And now, I see, that everybody wants to have tea and pancakes. But first of all, let’s sing a song “Polly, put a kettle on!” and play the game.
We need 6 pupils (Every team gives 2 members). There are five cups on. You must go around the table and take the cup first. If you don`t have a cup, you`ll go away. Every time we`ll take away one cup. The winner is a pupil who will stay the last. This winner will bring a point to his/her team.
IV. Conclusion.
Teacher: I can see you were very active today. Did you like the lesson? Let`s count your points and have tea and pancakes. Happy Pancake Day! (Slide 13).