Union Jack
Today, the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is referred to as the “Union Jack” or “Union Flag.”
S2.The climate is moderate. Sometimes is cool.
S1. The main and the biggest rivers are the Severn, the Thames.
S2. The main and the biggest cities are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh and so on.
S1. The places of interests are : Big Ben, the Tower of London , the Stonehenge, the Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey , etc.
Протягом всього повідомлення демонструються слайди.
S2. So, now we manna pay your attention to unknown parts of Britain…
S1.The first is calling England.
S2.The second one is Scotland.
S1.The third one is Wales.
S2.The fourth is the Nothern Ireland.
Студенти розповідають факти про назву та прапор Англії.. кожна команда розповідає про свою частину.
S1. The Union Jack as we know it today was born from the union of Ireland and Great Britain in 1801. However, before 1603, the British flag was very different than today’s flag. England, Ireland, and Scotland were different countries, each having their own individual flags. England’s flag honored the patron saint of England, St. George with his emblem of a red cross on a white field and had been the official flag of England since the Medieval times.
Flag of England
King James’ flag did not become official until the reign of Queen Anne, when England and Scotland united their parliaments to give birth to the new nation of Great Britain.
Flag of Scotland
King James ruled both nations. In Scotland, he was King James VI. In England, he was King James I. At that time, King James called his two countries the “Kingdom of Great Britain.”
Student 2. To further show his desire that the countries be considered one, King James made a proclamation in 1606 that his countries’ flags, the red cross of Saint George, who was the patron saint of England, and the Saltire of Saint Andrew, patron saint of Scotland, be combined to reveal the joining of two countries. (Wales was not represented in the Union Flag by Wales’s patron saint, Saint David, because at that time, Wales was part of the Kingdom of England.
Flag of Ireland
In 1801, the Union Flag was redesigned to include the Cross of St. Patrick (which has a red, diagonal crosses), the patron saint of Ireland. It is in this form that the British flag exists today.
Student 1.There is some disagreement as to the origin of the the term ‘Union Jack.’ Some people guess this name derived from the ‘jack-et’ of the English or Scottish soldiers. Another alternative is that it’s a shortening of Jacobus, the Latin version of “James.” It may also have been derived from the term ‘Jack’ which once meant small as evidence by the nickname “Jack” which once meant “little John” or “John Jr”–a proclamation by Charles II required that the Union Flag be flown only by ships of the Royal Navy as a “jack,” which is a small flag at flown at the bowsprit. So really, it’s anyone’s guess.
Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. Словник термінів. Демонстрація лексичного матеріалу для кращого та більш легкого сприйняття інформації.
Topical Vocabulary to the text
St Andrew - святий Андрій
St George - святий Джордж
St Patrick’ s Day - день святого Патріка
A tartan - шотландка (тканина)
A thistle - чортополох
A shamrock - трилисник
A daffodil - жовтий нарцис
A leek - зелена цибуля
The Tudor’s Family - родина Тюдорів
a bagpipe - волинка
Edinburgh - Единбург
Cardiff - Кардиф
Belfast - Белфаст
Birmingham - Бірмінгем
Glasgow - Гласго
Leeds - Лідс
Liverpool - Ліверпуль
Manchester - Манчестер
Bristol - Брістоль
the Union Jack - об’єднаний Джек
striped - в полоску
to be surrounded - бути оточеним
to separate - розділяти, розподіляти
Студенти повторюють нову лексику (на слайдах) та на паперах у кожного на папері.
Кожна команда (4) повідомляє цікаву інформацію про обрану частину країни (Ірландія, Шотландія, Уельс, Англія). Інформація розбита на пункти, за якими подається, для кожної частини.
ST.2. Зараз кожна команда надасть цікаві факти про ту частину країни, до якої вони належать .Розповідь кожної команди будується за деякими пунктами.
2. An arm or a badge
3. A capital of a country.
4. An animal symbol of a country.
5. A floral symbol of a country.
6.National colours .
7.National Holidays.
To the end of our class we wanna do a little bit check – in questionnaire.
У кожної команди одинакові питання .кожна команда повинна відповісти на них правильно та швидко в зазначений проміжок часу. Потім кожна команда перевіряє сусідню та визначає правильні та неправильні відповіді.
Сheck – in Questionnare .
9.The Union Jack is a single, not combining symbol of a country.T /F
10.Saint George is a patron of Scotland, but not England. T/F
11. The main river of G/B is Missisippi river. T /F
12. A tartan is a national womanish clothes in Scotland.T/F
13.A Loch Ness but not Unicorn is a symbol of Scotland.
Facts about the Flag of Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is a constituent country of the United Kingdom. As such, it has no official flag of its own. It is represented by the Union Jack, the flag of the United Kingdom.
First suspended in 1972, the Irish parliament and government were dissolved under the Northern Ireland Constitution Act 1973. As a result, only the Union Jack is allowed to be flown on Northern Irish government buildings and in political events where Northern Ireland is represented.
However, Northern Ireland used to have an official flag before 1972. It was based on St. George's Cross, which is the flag of England, with some modifications to indicate its association with Ireland. This flag of Northern Ireland was called the Ulster Banner. It was named after and based on the flag of Ulster, a province in Northern Ireland. The major differences between this flag and the English flag are the six-pointed star in the center, which holds the Red Hand of Ulster. A crown is situated above the star, signifying Northern Ireland's loyalty to the monarch of Britain.
The Red Hand of Ulster is symbolic of the province of Ulster. It is associated with various myths, and particularly to the Uí Néill (O'Neall) clan. As a result, it is also sometimes called the Red Hand of O'Neall. According to one myth, the legend of the red hand originated in a boat race to decide who would become the king of Ulster. This was necessitated by the fact that the ruling king had died without an heir, and there was no obvious claimant. In the boat race, which would be won by the one whose hand touched the shore first, one of the contenders cut off his hand while still in his boat and threw it onto the shore, assuring him the kingdom regardless of the outcome of the race.
From 1953, the year of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, to 1972, the year of the suspension of the Northern Irish governing bodies, the Ulster Banner was used officially by the government. In the absence of an official alternative, it also became the de facto national civil flag of Northern Ireland.
The Ulster Banner is now used by Irish nationalists, and is not allowed to be flown on Northern Irish government buildings. However, it does represent Northern Ireland in sporting events et al.
St. Patrick's Saltire, representing the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick, is used unofficially as a representation of Northern Ireland. It is incorporated into the Union Jack (in the form of the four thin red diagonal stripes within St. Andrew's Cross), and is used to represent Northern Ireland informally within and without the United Kingdom.
National Symbols of Wales are Daffodil and Leek
I want to talk about one of the most visible charity events in Ireland. It is also called "Festival of Narcissus". Narcissus in the spring, Ireland, this is a low maintenance flower that grows everywhere and in large quantities. In March, the across the country recruited volunteers for sale of artificial flowers of Narcissus during this festival. Their numbers in Ireland up to several thousand people. In the second half of March, this year on the 26th, started selling these flowers. The flowers are sold with special clasps for attaching to clothing. You could buy a small bouquet of live daffodils. Every self-respecting person wants to make a donation, buying daffodils. Pinning, bought a Narcissus, a person shows their involvement in this charity event.
The proceeds from the sale of flowers go to Fund the fight against cancer. Many people are having the ability to donate large sums of money, make your money in a special Bank account. Last year there were around 3.7 million Euros. This year, despite economic difficulties, the organizers plan to collect 4 million Euros.
When you meet people on the street, pinned daffodils, you know that Ireland is not indifferent to the suffering of others and it is very nice.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. They lie to the north-west of Europe. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of small islands.
The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great British is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. England, the central part, occupies the most of the island of Great Britain. To the north lies Scotland and to the west the third part of the country, Wales, is situated. The fourth part is called Northern Ireland and is located on the second island. Each part has its capital. The capital of England is London, Wales has Cardiff, Scotland has Edinburgh and the main city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
Great Britain is a country of forests and plains. There are no high mountains in this country. In the north the Cheviots separate England from Scotland, the Pennines stretch down North England along its middle, the Cambrian mountains occupy the greater part of Wales and the Highlands of Scotland are the tallest of the British mountains, the highest peak is Ben Nevis.
Most of the rivers flow into the North Sea. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one. As the country is surrounded by many seas there are some great ports at the seaside: London, Glasgow, Plymouth and others. Wales is a country of lakes. It has the most famous lake in the world – Loch-Ness.
Due to the influence of the Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current washing Britain’s western shores, the UK enjoys warmer winters and cooler summers. There is much rain and fog in England. October is usually the wettest month, July is the hottest and January is the coldest one.
Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources; it has some deposits of coal and iron ore and vast deposits of oil and gas that were discovered in the North Sea.
The population of the United Kingdom is over 58 million people. The main nationalities are: English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish. In Great Britain there are a lot of immigrants from former British Asian and African colonies.
Great Britain is a highly industrialized country. It is known as a producer and exporter of machinery, electronics, ships, aircraft and navigation equipment. The main industrial centers are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow and Bristol.
The capital of the country is London. The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy.
Олександр Степ Неписані закони..
Народжуємось за шаблоном,
А от вмираємо, хто як.
Таким неписаним законам
Протистояти аж ніяк.
Бо той, хто душі висіває,
Надію має на врожай,
Й на власний розсуд обирає
Коли якій настане край.
Тіла униз, а душі вгору -
Кінець набутого життя,
Від неминучого розбору,
До неминучого злиття…
Дивна справа: неписані закони знають усі. Писані — тільки ті, хто їх написав»...
Як стверджував Анней Сенека Старший, деякі неписані закони є сильнішими за писані.
Animal symbol in England is a lion Animal symbol f Scotland is a Unicorn
Animal symbol of Wales is a red dragon Animal symbol of Northern Ireland is
A Badge / an Arm
in England in Scotland
in Wales in Northern Ireland
Great Britain
On the 23Rd of April
n the 30TH of November |
On the 1St of March |
Northern Ireland
on the 17TH of March |
Great Britain |
Scotland |
Wales |
Northern Ireland |
London |
Edinburgh |
Cardiff |
Belfast |
over 8 mln |
over 5 mln |
over 3 mln |
over 1 mln |
Northern Ireland
Union Jack
The stonehenge
Tht 1st of March
On the 17 th of March
Nothern ireland