Розробка уроку англійської мови у 1 класі НУШ "UNIT 5. MY TOYS" "Topic: Revision"

Про матеріал
FIRST FORM UNIT 5. MY TOYS Topic: Revision 1. Learning outcomes: learners will be able to name, identify and recognize toys and letters of Alphabet – from A to D; to give the examples of words with this letters. 2. The objectives: - to improve skills of using the vocabulary in speech; - to improve skills of using grammatical knowledge; - to spread pupils’ knowledge on the topic; - motivate pupils to study English; - to develop skills of work in pairs, memory, skills of comparison; - to bring up careful attitude to the pets.
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Lesson 40 (8)

Topic: Revision

Lesson time: 35 minutes

1. Learning outcomes: learners will be able to name, identify and recognize toys and letters of Alphabet – from A to D; to give the examples of words with this letters.

2. The objectives: - to improve skills of using the vocabulary in speech;

    - to improve skills of using grammatical knowledge;

- to spread pupils’ knowledge on the topic;

- motivate pupils to study English;

- to develop skills of work in pairs, memory, skills of comparison;

- to bring up careful attitude to the pets.

3. Materials: multimedia system, pupils book, posters with English Alphabet, posters with Boy and Girl, flashcards (Toys, Animals).



I. Introduction.

1. Greeting.

Song “ Hello, hello!” (відео супровід)


2. Warming up.

Touch the sign you like and say “Hello!” Hello everyone! Are you ready? Go!Go!Go! Stand in circle. Walk. Can you show me how to fly? How to swim? How to jump? Stop! Sit down.


II. The main part.

3. Aim.

Teacher: Today, we will talk about our toys, English letters and words with them.

So, let’s start our lesson!.


4. Remembering the colours.

Sing a song: “Beautiful Balloons”

Physical activity Let’s do exercises: Stand up! (відео супровід)


5.Talking a story.

PB: p. 65-67.

  1. Teacher: Now, please, open your books – p. 65.

Look at the pictures and listen the story.

- Подивіться на малюнки до вправи.

- Послухайте та спробуйте перекласти рідною мовою.


- А тепер давайте повторимо, що отримала на Різдво Енн. (називаємо кольори)

- А тепер скажіть, що отримав на Різдво Боб. (називаємо кольори)

Listen and say.


Physical activity Lets do exercises: Stand up! (відео супровід)


Game_1. Teacher: And now let`s play the board game p. 66 -  «My Toys»

Listen instruction: One pupil rolls the die, looks on the number and name a toy with the same number. After that, we will change pupils one by one. Ok?

Let`s start!


Physical activity Let’s do exercises: Stand up! (відео супровід)


  1. Teacher: Now, please, look at the picture on p. 67 and try to tell us what are you seeing now.

- Подивіться на малюнки до вправи та скажіть що ви бачите?

- Назвіть літери та поєднайте іх з потрібним малюнком.


Game_2. Teacher: And now let`s play the «I know the ABC from A to D».  

 Listen instruction: Teacher holds up a flashcard with letters A, B, C, D. Children should try to name that letter and its sound. And then, children should name all words they know with that letter. (For example: letter Aa, sound [æ], words: Ant, Anny, Apple.)



III. Summing up

- Do you liked our lesson?

- What did you like best of all?


IV. Reflection

T.: Dear pupils! Please, take your smiley and stick them at the poster of your mood.

  • I like our lesson!
  • I don`t like our lesson!
  • I don’t care.


До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 1 клас (Карпюк О. Д., Ростоцька М.Є.)
9 лютого 2020
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