Розробка уроку англійської мови в 11 класі " Art. Painting. "

Про матеріал
Мета: - Активізувати лексичний матеріал з теми у мовленні учнів, ознайомити їх з жанрами живопису; тренувати учнів у говорінні, аудіюванні, читанні з повним розумінням тексту; - Розвивати вміння самостійно аналізувати твори живопису, вміння висловлювати свою думку за темою уроку, навички аудіювання, читання та говоріння, адекватно реагувати в ситуації спілкування; - Виховувати духовність, естетичний смак, інтерес і повагу до живописних пам’яток людства.
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Конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 11 класу за підручником О.Карп΄юк  з використанням ІКТ.



  •        Активізувати лексичний матеріал з теми у мовленні учнів, ознайомити їх з жанрами живопису; тренувати учнів у говорінні, аудіюванні, читанні з повним розумінням тексту;
  •        Розвивати вміння самостійно аналізувати твори живопису, вміння висловлювати свою думку за темою уроку, навички аудіювання, читання та говоріння, адекватно реагувати в ситуації спілкування;
  •        Виховувати духовність, естетичний смак, інтерес і повагу до живописних пам’яток людства.

Тип уроку:Комбінований урок

Методи навчання, прийоми: метод «Асоціацій», «Картинна галерея», заповнення таблиці, «Мозковий штурм», евристична бесіда, робота з ІКТ


Основні терміни і поняття: portrait painter, landscape painters, majestic effect, marine canvases, revealing inner world, romantic passion, constructivism, brilliant, to depict, baroque, a still life, impressionism, a seascape, an artist, icon painting, a master, landscape, a painter, outstanding, portraitist, to describe, a landscaper, social realism, famous, to capture, primitive painting, portrait painting

Міжпредметні зв’язки: художня культура, історія, мистецтво

Обладнання:мультимедійний проектор для демонстрації слайдів в програмі PowerPoint, дошка, комп’ютер





Т:Goodmorning, everyone! Glad to see you in good health and mood.Today we have an unusual lesson.


Т: Today we’ll continue speaking about painting. The topic of our lesson is “Genres of painting”. We’re going to speak about painters and different kind of painting. We’ll do a lot of activities which will develop your speaking, listening and reading skills. You’ll practice in discussing and exchanging opinions on the subject.

Warm up

Т: Answer my questions. Who is your favourite painter?

Give some facts about his(her) life.

Where can one see his(her) pictures?

Т: I asked you to think of the painting you would like to see. What is it? Is it you: favourite one? Why would you like to see it?



Т:One of the definitions of the word “art” is the study or creation of beautiful things.



Т:So, we’ll start with mind-map. What works of art can you name?












Т:Where can we see works of art?


(In many places: in the streets, it the theatre or cinema,at home as well as in museums exhibitions and art or picture galleries.)


Checking home task

Т: Now we’re going to check our home task. You have to revise the genres of painting and to guess what genre of painting is hidden in each definition :


a land scape

A picture representing a tract of country with the various objects it contains.

a portrait

A painting, picture or representation of the person.    

social life

A painting which represents scenes from everyday life in a more or less realistic way.

a still life

A painting of such unanimated objects as fruit, flowers and other decorative things.


Painting or other artistic representation of the sea.




Т: Read the text and circle the correct word.

Art museums preserve numerous masterpieces / landscapes which prove that art painting goes back thousands years. Even now we admire the mosaic and fresco pictures / images, icons which have survived through hundreds of years. Among the best known portraits /icons is The Trinity’ by Andrey Rublyov, a portratist /painter who opened a new era in world painting.

The works of painters, whether Italian, German, English, Dutch, Ukrainian, French or Russian are always marked by a profound humanism and are reflected/ inspired by innovatory ideas.

The names of the greatest impressionists / specialist realists C. Monet, Renoir, Degas are well-known for their individual blossoming fields, so beloved by Claud Monet, the world seems to be constantly changing and shimmering.

Auguste Renoir’s favourite theme /topic is the bright crowd of  a merry Parisian festival. Painters Cezanne and Van Gogh portrayed / expressed in their works the desire to return to an integrated perception of world.

In the middle of the nineteenth century Ukrainian art found itself under the strong inspiration / influence of Taras Shevchenko’s art and verse. He created emotionally attractive still life  paintings / images and acquired his own vision of Ukrainian folk / rural life.

Lovely Ukrainian natural scenes / sceneries inspired many Ukrainian n Russian painters to create poetic landscapes / portraits. Nowadays Ukrainian art probably develops every well-known genre / trend, ranging from Neorealism to Post-modernism.




Підготовка учнів до аудіювання.

Работа з словами перед початком аудіювання

landscape– пейзаж

sketch-book– альбом для этюдов, зарисовок

water–colour – акварель

oil – масляная краска

preserve- хранить

praise– хвалить

property– собственность



Пред’явлення тексту


Т: Listen to the text and answer the questions.

Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851)

J.M.W. Turner, a great romantic English landscape painter, was born in Devonshire, but when he was ten years old he went to live with his uncle in Middlesex, where he began to attend school. Very soon he began to take an interest in drawing, and during the summer holidays he would hike around his native! Devonshire, painting and drawing. Some of his drawings are dated 1787, when he was only 12 years of age. He I visited Oxford in 1789, Bristol in 1791, and Wales in 1792. His sketch-books, filled with drawings to be worked I up later into water-colours are preserved in the British 1 Museum.

In 1796 he began to exhibit oil paintings as well as water-colours at the Royal Academy. The first, "Fishermen at Sea", is now in the Tate Gallery.

After going to Yorkshire in 1797, to the Lake District in 1798 and to Scotland in 1801, he made long tours of France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy. But he never lost his interest in his own country, and made many visits to Wales, Devonshire and Cornwall, finding there many subjects for sketches and paintings.

Turner was above all a landscape painter, and in landscapes he was interested mainly in light and colour effects. One of his famous paintings is even called "Light and Colour". His work was highly praised6 by many I great critics.

Turner died in London in 1851 and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral. His pictures and drawings became the property of the nation.



Обговорення змісту прослуханого тексту

1. Who is this text about?

2. Where was he born?

3. When did he begin to take an interesting in drawing?

4. Where art his sketch-books with drawings preserved?

5. When and where did he exhibit his oil paintings and water-colours?

6. What countries did he visit after going to Yorkshire?

7. What kind of painter was Turner?

8. When did he die and where was he buried?



Т:Complete the sentences using the words.





  1. John Constable, the greatest of  English _______, came from Suffolk .

2. Constable was an acute observer of nature and had a ________ for light.

3. Thomas Gainsborough succeeded brilliantly as a___________.

4. The painting which portrays the conflict of wind and tide created a________________.

5. Turner’s ________  reveal the grand beauty of the sea.

6. Reynolds succeeded in ____   the sitters’ ____________________.


Key1-2,  2-6,  3-1,   4-3,  5-4,  6-5.



Практикування учнів в монологічному та діалогічному мовленні за темою уроку. Створення ситуації спілкування.

T: At our exhibition you can see paintings by different painters. Look at this pictures and choose the one which corresponds to your feelings. What emotions does arouse in you? Why does it fit your feelings?

Language for expressing personal opinions

The way I see it...      As far as I can see...

This looks like...      This seems / appears to be...

It might/could be...     It makes me feel...

I have no idea what is painted.   As I see it / In my opinion...


a person who

creates painting

a genre

of painting

A trend in painting

























Т:Sort out the words according to the columns below.


constructivism, brilliant, to depict, baroque, a still life, distinguished, to reflect, impressionism, prominent, to portray, a seascape, an artist, icon painting, a master, landscape, a painter, avant-garde, outstanding, portraitist, to describe, a landscaper, social realism, famous, to capture, primitive painting, portrait painting




Т: Т:We have spoken about painters and paintings. Can you tell shortly what is painting?









Т: I suppose noone is born an artlover, but you can become one. We have done a lot of things at the lesson today, haven’t we? You’ve been very active and great today. I hope, you’ve some new and interesting information about famous painters and you’ll be able to share your impression about different genres of painting. The world of art will change something in your souls for the better. I’d like to thank you for your good work at the lesson.


T: Do you remember our game "Memory Picture"?

Т: I suppose you do. Here is your homework: imagine that you are a painter.What picture would you like to paint?

Describe it.

Т: Your marks are…Ok. Our lesson is over. I wish you а good day.

Розробила: вчитель англійської мови

Багдасарова О.М.














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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
20 грудня 2020
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