Урок домашнього читання " An Accident at the College"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку домашнього читання з англійської мови при вивченні теми " Live and Learn" Урок проводиться у вигляді змагання. Метою уроку є удосконалити вміння працювати з текстом, мовленнєві навички, роботу в групах.
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Конспект уроку

домашнього читання

в 11 класі

з теми « Live and Learn»




















Підготувала: Вчитель англійської мови

Корюківської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст..№4




навчальна: вдосконалювати навички вживання лексичного матеріалу; навички читання та  усного мовлення;

розвивальна: розвивати компетентність спілкування іноземною мовою; комунікативні здібності учнів; критичне мислення; уміння висловлювати й аргументувати власну точку зору, аналізувати, порівнювати;

виховна: виховувати позитивне ставлення до навчання, виховувати культуру спілкування; виховувати толерантність, уміння працювати в колективі, повагу до співрозмовника.

Тип уроку: урок-змагання

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал.


Хід уроку

I. Warming up

Cheating is the best way to get a good mark.

Do you agree? Prove your answer.

Do you always cheat at tests?

Do you appreciate this way of doing tests or exams?


II. The main part of the lesson


(The pupils make three groups according to the cards)

T: You are to do the tasks on the cards to the text you read at home.

Which group is ready say “Bingo!”










I. Circle the word from the text

1. Both friends were going to spend a quiet/ noisy evening alone in their room.

2. Sit down in that armchair/chair and try to speak slowly.

3. Today the papers were brought from the headmaster’s office/printer.

4. I saw that the papers were in the basket/ in disorder.

5. I am going to postpone/to examine the  accident.

6. There were three pieces of oil/ black clay on a sheet of paper.


II. Who said it in the text ( Holmes, Watson or Mr. Soames)

1. Are your rooms upstairs?

2. There is no other entrance in the house.

3. He came in to ask me some questions about the examination.

4. And now, Mr. Soames, I wish you good night.

5. What are you going to do?

6. Fortunately, this unhappy incident has been put an end to.

7. Gilford has told the truth.

8. I know by whom it has been written.







III. Match parts of the sentences.


1. Holmes wanted to devote his spare time

2. On coming back I saw with surprise

3. I called for my servants at once and

4. Gilford was a fine youth

5. Holmes returned when

6. Gilford is ashamed and



a) is going to leave the college.

b) made the most careful examination of me room

c) the tallest of three, who was fond of sports.

d) Watson was taking his breakfast.

e) a key in the door of my room.

f) to reading magazines and making chemical experiments.

IV. Are the following sentences “true” or “false”?

1. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went to one of great University towns.

2. Both friends were going to spend a quiet day in their rooms.

3. A neighbor visited Holms and Watson in the evening.

4. He was a lecturer of Latin.

5. He told that the examination papers were stolen by someone.

6.  Thirteen students had to take the examination.



V. Find the answers to the following questions.


(The questions are given to the pupils (group I according to part I of the text, group II-Part II and group III- part III)  and the answers are stuck on the walls around the classroom. The pupils have to go around the classroom and look for the answers to their questions)


1. Where did Holms and Watson decide to spend their free time?


Holms and Watson decided to spend their free time in one of the university towns reading books and making chemical experiments.


2. Where were the two friends when a man visited them? Who was that man?


The two friends were in their rooms. It was a lecturer. His name was Soames.


3. Why did the lecturer come to the detectives?


He wanted to ask the detectives to examine the accident at the college.


4. What happened at the college?


There was going to be the first day of examinations for a very valuable scholarship.

The papers for the examination in Greek were looked through by somebody because they, as the lecturer noticed, were lying in disorder on the table. And Soames, the lecturer, noticed a hard piece of clay and a point of a pencil on the floor.


5. Find the information about the lecturer.



The lecturer lived alone as he was not married. He occupied two rooms: a sitting room and a bedroom. His rooms were on the ground floor.


6. Who lived in the house except the lecturer?


There lived three students from the University where the lecturer worked.


7. What were the students like?


Maclaren was the oldest of the three. He was the least industrious and the most unprincipled of the three students. He spent little time on his studies.

Gilford and Ras were good fellows. They were industrious.

Ras, an Indian, was much more serious than Gilford. His weakest point was languages.

 Gilford worked much more than Ras but the latter was more intelligent. Gilford was the tallest of the three students and was fond of sports. He was the best jumper in the college team. He was very poor.


8. Where did Holmes go the next morning?


The next morning Holmes went to the sporting ground where Gilford did sport.


9. What did he show Watson? What for?


Holmes showed three little pieces of black clay. He wanted to prove that the thief was Gilford as the pieces of clay from the sporting ground and from the lecturer’s room were absolutely alike.


10. How did Gilford come into the lecturer’s room?


Gilford was returning from his trainings carrying his sporting shoes in his hands. As he passed the teacher’s window, he saw that the examination papers were on the table. As the key was in the door, he came in, put his shoes on the table and started to copy the papers. He didn’t notice a piece of clay from his shoe fell on the table. When he heard the teacher in the corridor, he hid behind the curtain. As the lecturer didn’t examine the room, Gilford wasn’t detected.


11. Was Holmes right in his suspicions?


Yes, Gilford wrote the teacher a letter where he had told the truth. He wrote that he was ashamed and was going to leave the college.


12. How did the story finish?


Gilford was offered employment on board the ship. He accepted the offer. The lecturer hoped that he would work there as an honest man.


VI. Use the answers and prepare a report to the News Programme about an accident at the college.


III. The end of the lesson.

-Giving marks.

- H/a:  Write for and against essay “Cheating at exams”

2 січня 2021
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