Розробка уроку англійської мови в 8 класі "Музичні смаки"

Про матеріал
Тема: Музичні смаки. Мета: активізувати лексику з теми «Музика», удосконалювати навички сприймання тексту на слух, усного та писемного мовлення; розвивати мовну інтуїцію, мовну реакцію, сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення; виховувати естетичний смак. Очікувані результати: до кінця уроку учні зможуть сприймати лексику теми на слух, вживати її в спілкуванні, розповідати та запитувати про музичні інструменти, музичні стилі, складати сенкан. Тип уроку: узагальнення вивченого матеріалу. Обладнання: підручник, комп’ютер, презентації, роздатковий матеріал. Хід уроку I. Вступна частина 1. Привітання T : Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we have got an unusual lesson. Many guests have come to our lesson. I see you are in good mood. I am sure you are full of energy and ready to work hard. Now, let’s begin our lesson. 2. Повідомлення теми, мети та очікуваних результатів уроку T: So, the topic of our lesson is “Music tastes”. We are going to revise our vocabulary, improve your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills, practice in asking and answering the questions. By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to use vocabulary in asking and answering the questions, to use the structure I wish I could telling about your preferences in music and to create your own ciquences. 3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Mind map “Music”. Write as many word connected with the word music as you can. 4. Checking up the homework. Ex.3,p.62 WB (read the sentences). At home I also asked you to revise questions in Present Perfect. So, please, make up questions using the model: Have you ever been to the concert of/ seen/ listened to…? ІІ. Основна частина 1. Повторення лексики T : We’ve already learnt a lot of words and expressions about music. What musical instruments can you remember? Look at the screen. Let’s revise them. (Відповіді учнів). 1) “Unscrumble the words” 1) DMUR ( DRUM) 2) ONAIP ( PIANO) 3) UARTI G (GUITAR) 4) ORHN ( HORN) 5) OLLEC ( CELLO) 6) NOIDROCAC ( ACCORDION) 7) INLOIV ( VIOLIN) 8) TENIRALC (CLARINET) 2. Граматика. Структура I wish I could T:Children, can you play the musical instruments? Express your regret. For example: As for me I wish I could play the guitar. 3. Читання T : The next task for you is “Guess the music style” I’ll give you cards with the texts. Your task is to read and understand the texts and match the type of music to the definitions. Complete the sentences with the words from the box: [Pop music, classical music, reggae, folk music, jazz, punk, country, rap.] 1.--------is played by a big orchestra in a concert hall. 2.--------comes originally from black American musicians. 3.--------is played by young people with brightly coloured hair. 4.--------usually offers simple tunes which are popular for a short time. 5.-------- music is usually played on the guitar, banjo and violin. 6.------- is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words. 7.------- comes from a specific region and is usually popular for a long period . 8.------- is often played freely, not following written music. 9.------- has a strong , loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments. Keys: 1) classical music 2) jazz 3 ) pop music 4) Country music 5) Rap 6 )Folk music 7) reggae 8) rock 4. Аудіювання T: Whatch the video. Choose the correct item. Keys: 1a 2b 3a 4b 5a 6a 7a 8b 9b 10b 5. Speaking T: Now I am sure, that everybody sitting in this classroom likes music. 1) What music do you like and why? T : Look at the screen. Use these adjectives: Beautiful, touching, serious, cheerful, relaxing, sad, simple, traditional, healing, emotional, exciting, catchy, soothing, pleasant, romantic, energetic. As for me, I like pop music because it is cheerful, simple and touching. 2) Where we usually listen to music? In pairs, ask and answer the question. 6. Writing T :Summing everything up, I`d like to offer you to make up a cinquane about music. We`ve already done this kind of work. Look at the blackboard. Here is a scheme of it: 1. 1 word – the topic 2. 2 words – adjectives to describe it 3. 3 words – verbs connected with it 4. 4 words – your attitude to it 5. 1 word - your feelings (noun) 1) Music 2) Powerful , charming 3)Listen, sing, relax 4) I like listening it 5) Life ІІІ. Заключна частина. 1. Рефлексія. 3-2-1 2. Оцінювання. 3. Домашнє завдання. Write an assay on the topic “The place of music in my life”. 4.Підсумки уроку. T: So, my friends, we have spoken today about music, which plays a very important role in our life. All of you have worked hard. I wish you to work like this at every English lesson ! It`s over. Thank you for attention. Good -bye!
Перегляд файлу

Тема: Музичні смаки.

Мета:  активізувати лексику з теми «Музика», удосконалювати навички сприймання тексту на слух, усного та писемного мовлення;  розвивати мовну інтуїцію, мовну реакцію, сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення; виховувати естетичний смак.

Очікувані результати: до кінця уроку учні зможуть сприймати лексику теми на слух, вживати її в спілкуванні, розповідати та запитувати про музичні інструменти, музичні стилі, складати сенкан.

Тип уроку: узагальнення вивченого матеріалу.

Обладнання: підручник, комп’ютер, презентації, роздатковий матеріал.


Хід уроку

I. Вступна частина

1. Привітання

 T : Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we have got an unusual lesson.  Many guests have come to our lesson. I see you are in good mood. I am sure you are full of energy and ready to work hard.  Now, let’s begin our lesson.

2. Повідомлення теми, мети  та очікуваних результатів уроку

T: So, the topic of our lesson is “Music tastes”. We are going to revise  our vocabulary, improve your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills, practice in asking and answering the questions.  By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to use vocabulary in asking and answering the questions, to use the structure I wish I could telling about your preferences in music and to create your own ciquences.

3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Mind map “Music”.

Write as many word connected with the word music as you can.

 4. Checking up the homework.

Ex.3,p.62 WB (read the sentences).

At home I also asked you to revise questions in Present Perfect. So, please, make up questions using the model:

Have you ever been to the concert of/ seen/ listened to…?     


ІІ. Основна частина

1. Повторення лексики

 T : We’ve already learnt a lot of words and expressions about music. What musical instruments can you remember? Look at the screen. Let’s revise them. (Відповіді  учнів).

1) “Unscrumble the words”

 1) DMUR ( DRUM)








 2. Граматика. Структура I wish I could

T:Children, can you play the  musical instruments?

Express your regret. For example: As for me I wish I could play the guitar.  

3. Читання

T : The next task for you is  “Guess the music style” I’ll give you cards with the texts. Your task is to read   and understand the   texts and  match the type of music to the definitions.

Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

[Pop music, classical music, reggae, folk music, jazz, punk, country, rap.]

1.--------is played by a big orchestra in a concert hall.

2.--------comes originally from black American musicians.

3.--------is played by young people with brightly coloured hair.

4.--------usually offers simple tunes which are popular for a short time.

5.-------- music is usually played on the guitar, banjo and violin.

6.------- is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.

7.------- comes from a specific region and is usually popular for a long period .

8.------- is often played freely, not following written music.

9.------- has a strong , loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments.

Keys: 1) classical music 2) jazz 3 ) pop music 4) Country music 5) Rap 6 )Folk  music 7) reggae 8) rock

4. Аудіювання

T: Whatch the video. Choose the correct item.

Keys: 1a 2b 3a 4b 5a 6a 7a 8b 9b 10b

5.  Speaking

T: Now I am sure, that everybody sitting in this classroom likes music.

1)  What music do you like and why?

 T : Look at the screen. Use these adjectives: Beautiful, touching, serious, cheerful, relaxing, sad, simple, traditional, healing, emotional, exciting, catchy, soothing, pleasant, romantic, energetic.

 As for me, I like pop music because it is cheerful, simple and touching.

 2) Where we usually listen to music?  In pairs, ask and answer the question.

6. Writing

 T :Summing everything up, I`d like to offer you to make up a cinquane about music. We`ve already done this kind of work. Look at the blackboard. Here is a scheme of it:

  1. 1 word – the topic
  2. 2 words – adjectives to describe it
  3. 3 words – verbs connected with it
  4. 4 words – your attitude to it
  5. 1 word  - your feelings (noun)

1) Music

2) Powerful , charming

3)Listen, sing, relax

4) I like listening it

5) Life

ІІІ. Заключна частина.

  1. Рефлексія.


  1. Оцінювання.
  2. Домашнє завдання.

Write an assay on the topic “The place of music in my life”.

 4.Підсумки уроку.

T: So, my friends, we have spoken today about music, which plays a very important role in our life. All of you have worked hard. I wish you to work like this at every English lesson ! It`s over. Thank you for attention. Good -bye!




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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
25 березня 2023
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