Розробка уроку для 5 класу "A healthy way of life"

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Розробка уроку для 5 класу.

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-         систематизувати та узагальнити  знання по темі «A healthy way of life»

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І Початок уроку 1. Привітання. Організація класу.                      


Good morning, children. Good morning, our guests. Nice to see you. Sit down. I see you are healthy and nice and you are full of energy and we can begin our lesson.


2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. 


 Today our lesson is devoted to a very important problem. As you know some people are healthy, some people are unhealthy. Health is the most precious things in people’s life. We can’t buy health, but we can do a lot to keep it. In order to be healthy we should follow some special rules. The topic of our lesson is – “A HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE.”


So today we are going to speak about our health, about what we should do to be healthy and about doctors, because they help us to be healthy. We are going to discuss our lifestyle and the ways of taking care about our healthy. At the lesson you are going:

-            to get new information

-            to speak o lot, using lexical and grammar material

-            to watch a video  and to discuss it

-            to show your presentations 

-            to check your knowledge on the topic.

 3.Фонетична зарядка. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу .                                       

    Let’s start with our phonetic drills:

    Addy is healthy,

    And Andy is not,

    Addy can run fast,

    And Andy cannot.  


    What makes Addy strong?

     Good exercises.

     What makes Andy thick?

     He eats many pies.


     From this good example

     It soon becomes clear That being unhealthy      Is often quite drear.


    So drink up fresh milk

    And say no to pie,     Get enough sleep

    And you’ll be just fine.


    And now let’s  revise some words on our topic.

    Look at the screen, please. Read these words and then translate. 


       health,       to go in for sport,        to breathe in fresh air,       to look tired,    to feel cold, to feel sick,         to feel fine,          to take the medicine,                      to write a prescription, to examine the patient,     to eat  many sweets,      a toothache,      an earache,  a backache, a headache,    a cough,     a sore throat,     a pain in the knee,        a pain in the elbow 

health, to go in for sport, to breathe in fresh air, to look tired, to feel cold, to feel sick,  to feel fine, to take the medicine, to write a prescription, to examine the patient, to eat many sweets, a toothache, an earache, a backache, a headache, a

cough, a sore throat, a pain in the knee,    a pain in the elbow

ІІ Основна частина уроку                                                                      headache, unhealthy and pale,

toothache, sore throat,

4.  Complete the sentences:                                                                 stomachache, strong, pain in the knee, fresh air, happy

Complete the sentences:

•Ann ate too much ice-cream yesterday, and today she has got a ______________.

•Dan didnt wash his hands before supper and now he has got a _____________.

headache, unhealthy and pale, toothache, sore throat, stomachache, strong, pain in the knee, fresh air, happy

•Nick doesnt visit his dentist regularly, thats why he has got a ____________. •Mary often has got ____________ because she watches TV from morning till night.

•Ben played football yesterday. He fell down and now he has got a ____________.

•Exercises keep the body _____________.

•People who dont go in for sport are ______________.

•John seems very ___________. He always has a smile on his face.

•Our body needs _____________ to breathe.

1.     Ann ate too much ice-cream yesterday, and today she has got a ______________.

2.     Dan didn’t wash his hands before supper and now he has got a _____________.

3.     Nick doesn’t visit his dentist regularly, that’s why he has got a ____________.

4.     Mary often has got ____________ because she watches TV from morning till night.

5.     Ben played football yesterday. He fell down and now he has got a ____________.

6.     Exercises keep the body _____________.

7.     People who don’t go in for sport are ______________.

8.     John seems very ___________. He always has a smile on his face.

9.     Our body needs _____________ to breathe.


5.  Children, and now listen to me and agree or disagree with me. Use: 

I agree with you

You are right

I think so

I dont agree with you

I am afraid you are wrong

     I agree with you

     You are right      I think so

     I don’t agree with you I am afraid you are wrong

Let’s start.

1.     Vitamins are not important in our life.

2.     Children should eat a lot of sweets every day.

•Vitamins are not important in our life.

•Children should eat a lot of sweets every day. •To be healthy and strong people should eat healthy food.

•Every day I air my room.

•Sometimes during the day I eat between meals. •On Sunday some families go to the Khortitsa island.

•Some children dont go to the dentist every year.

•The pupils of our school have PT lessons 3 times a week.

•Eat more sugar.

•Dont eat vegetables.

3.     To be healthy and strong people should eat healthy food.

4.     Every day I air my room.  

5.     Sometimes during the day I eat between meals.

6.     On Sunday some families go to the Khortitsa island.

7.     Some children don’t go to the dentist every year.

8.     The pupils of our school have PT lessons 3 times a week.

9.     Eat more sugar.

10. Don’t eat vegetables.


Very good. You know how to express your opinion.


Children, today to our lesson we invited two experts and a reporter from the newspaper “Health”.  A reporter wants to ask you some questions because she will write an article to our school newspaper.  


6.A reporter: Hello, my name is… Answer my questions about health. 

   1)When should people get up and go to bed?  People usually get up at 7 o’clock and go to bed at 9 o’clock.

2)How many times a day should people clean their teeth?  

People should clean their teeth twice a day. 

3)What should people do before eating?  

They should wash their hands.

4) Why is it important to wash hands?

Because our hands are dirty. And dirt is full of germs.  

5)What healthy food should people eat?  

They eat fruits and vegetables.

6)Do you do your morning exercises every day?

Yes, I do, I do morning exercises.

7)Do you go in for sport?

 Yes, I do. I go in for sports.

8)Do you sleep more than 8 hours? No, I don’t. I sleep 7-8 hours.

9)Do you get up early in the morning?

Yes, I do. I get up at 6 o’clock in the morning. 10)Do you take any vitamins sometimes?

Sometimes I take vitamins.

11)When do you go to bed?

I usually go to bed at 9 o’clock in the evening.

12)How many hours every day do you play computer games?

I play computer games one hour every day.

13)How many hours do you watch TV?

I watch TV two hours a day.

14)Why are exercises good for you? 

 Exercises will help you feel good, look good and be stronger.



   Then the reporter makes a conclusion.


 A reporter: So I can make a conclusion that nowadays it’s very important to be healthy. It means to be active, to study well, to look happy. If you want to stay healthy, you must follow some rules. First of all you must keep your body clean. You must clean your teeth and you mustn’t eat food with dirty hands. It is also very important to eat healthy food. Fruits and vegetables are necessary for your active and happy life, because there are a lot of vitamins in them. You mustn’t eat too many sweets and cakes. Your body needs fresh air, so you must go for a walk every day. You mustn’t stay in front of the TV set or computer all day long. It’s very bad for your eyes.

      Sport is necessary for your healthy life. You must go in for sports regularly. Exercises keep your body strong.

  Thank you very much for the interview.


7. Now  you will  write  a list of recommendations which we should follow or shouldn’t follow to be healthy. Your task is to make Health Code. Write it and then we’ll discuss it.



-            Get up early and go to bed early

-            Wash your hands before eating

-            Smoke

-            Watch TV too long

-            Go in for sports

-            Clean your teeth once a day

-            Sleep enough

-            Take a cold shower

-            Eat too many sweets

-            Spend much time indoors

-            Eat between meals

-            Air the room








Are you ready? We’ll start with the things which we should do. 

And now read  what we shouldn’t do. 


10. Let’s have a rest.  


11. Our next task is called “Jumbled Proverbs”. Look at the screen.  You must put the words in a logical order and then translate and explain it.

a)       wealth is good above health

b)      a day apple an away keeps doctor a

c)       to and health bed wise makes a rise man early and early to wealthy

d)      a mind sound a in body sound


  Are you ready?

Read, translate and explain the proverb.

Is it true that "An Apple a Day Keeps a Doctor away?"

-   It is true because we must eat a lot of fruit and  vegetables, a lot of vitamins every day.


Do you agree that " good health is above wealth"?

-   Yes, I agree with you because " What a wonderful  thing it is to be healthy, to have a strong and sound  body and an active mind ".





Early to bed and early to rise

Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


I think that it is very important to get up early and to go to bed early. It is useful for your health. If you do it, you will be healthy and you will have a lot of  time for a work and study.


   A sound mind in a sound body.





12. . I hope you understand that it is important  to be healthy. But sometimes people can fall

ill. What should they do in this case? Let’s watch a video fragment about people who have some problems with their health. Then you will tell me what they complain of and what they should do to recover. (Watching a video fragment).  

Look at the first screenshot. What does this person complain of? What does Bob advise him to do?

13. Some people who don’t care much about their health and don’t follow some useful advice can fall ill. Who can help people if they are ill? 


      A doctor.

      What is doctor’s daily routine? This picture will help you.

-   What does he study? 

-   Whom does he treat?

-   What does he prescribe?      - What does he write?

-   Where does he work?


 I see that you know everything about doctor’s daily routine. I think that when we all were small kids we played the same game called “Hospital”. Some of you were doctors, others were patients. Let’s return back to the past and remember what it is like to be a doctor and a patient. 

            I.       – Good morning, doctor.  

-Good morning. What can I do for you?

-   I feel cold. I have got a terrible headache.

-   Let me examine you. Yes, you are really ill.

You have a temperature.

-   What should I do?

-   You should take pills three times a day. Drink hot tea and milk with honey. And stay in bed for some days.  

-   Thank you, doctor. Bye.

-   Bye.

14.   At the beginning of our lesson I have told you that we invited experts. They gathered information about healthy way of life in our school. What can help you to be healthy? Of course, school. Only at school you do morning exercising, go in for sports three times a week, and have a balanced diet. Let’s listen to our experts.


P.: As for me, I want to tell you about sports in our school. We pay great attention to sports in the school. We have PT three times a week and we enjoy our lessons very much. The lessons are held in a  gym and in the sports ground. At the lessons we run, jump and play sport games. We are crazy about volleyball and basketball. In our school much attention is paid to playing football.  In my opinion every person should go in for sports because it helps people to be strong and healthy.  


          P.: I d like to tell you about our school canteen. In order to stay healthy it is important to have a balanced diet. The balanced diet is food that contains something from each of the three main groups of food.  It is useful to eat fruits and vegetables. A school cook  Irina Vladimirovna takes care

about our balanced diet. Many children of our school have dinner in our canteen. We like such dishes as borsch, salads, pancakes and tea with vitamins.

15.   Let’s have a rest and do  the crossword.  

     14.  And now I propose you to make A magic flower.

  All people want to be healthy and strong. And what about you? What do you do to keep fit? This magic flower will help you to answer my question. I will give each of you a coloured paper and you will fill it in, writing what you do to keep fit.

And then you’ll come up to the blackboard and fix your petal

round the centre. 


 Are you ready? 


 I’m glad to hear that you take care of your health and do a lot to keep fit. 

15.At the end of our lesson let’s test ourselves.

        Put “   “ if you do it or “   “ if you don’t.


1.     You get up early.

2.     You do morning exercises.

3.     You don’t eat cakes and sweets for breakfast.

4.     You don’t eat hamburgers.

5.     You always eat soup for dinner. 6. You visit your dentist regularly.

7.     You don’t play the computer more than one hour.

8.     You clean your room every day.

9.     You go for a walk every evening.

10. You don’t watch TV late at night.

11. You visit some sports club.

12. You don’t go to bed late.


       Now let’s read about your results. 24-20 - Your life is perfect. You are a healthy and active person. You have a lot of friends; you can plan your day to do all the things well. You’ll have a successful life.

18-14 – You do your best to be active and cheerful. But

24-20 - Your life is perfect. You are a healthy and active person. You have a lot of friends; you can plan your day to do all the things well. Youll have a successful life. 18-14 You do your best to be active and cheerful. But sometimes you dont plan your day well enough to do everything you need.

12-8 You are rather a lazy person. You dont have enough time for your family and for doing homework. If you dont change your way of life, youll have a lot of problems. 6- 0 Youll have a lot of problems with your friends because they dont like boring people. You dont often keep your word. You have some problem with your health. You must change your way of life.

sometimes you don’t plan your day well enough to do everything you need.  

12-8 – You are rather a lazy person. You don’t have enough time for your family and for doing homework. If you don’t change your way of life, you’ll have a lot of problems. 6- 0 – You’ll have a lot of problems with your friends because they don’t like boring people. You don’t often keep your word. You have some problem with your health. You must change your way of life.


T. Our lesson has come to an end. It was our last lesson on the topic “Health and Body Care”. I see that you know much about the main rules of keeping fit. And I hope that you will continue to take care of your health in everyday life in future. 

T. Thank you for your work. You were very active today.


T. And your home task  is to write a prescription. Imagine that you are a doctor and you have a patient who doesn’t care much about his health, who often falls ill. What will you advise him?

At our lesson we have got some results:

-          we have got new information how to keep fit;


-          we have practiced in using the words and expressions on the topic in our speech;

-          we have discussed different problems – what we should and shouldn’t do to be healthy ;

-          we have improved our knowledge on the topic “ Health ”;


-          we have developed our speaking and writing skills.


T: You worked hard today. Your marks are: ...  

The lesson is over. Good-bye, children.

28 грудня 2017
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