Розробка уроку по темі "School Life"

Про матеріал

TopicSchool Life” (Grade 6). This lesson reviews vocabulary related to school life, as well as school subjects, activities and time. Learners watch the video for specific information and complete the table. They compare a school day in British and Ukrainian schools and finally write a post for a blog “Ideal School Day”.

Learning outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able to list differences and similarities between a school day in Britain and Ukraine and write a post for the blog about an ideal day at school.

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Урок по темі «Шкільне життя», 6 клас

Lesson Plan

Topic: School life

Aims: -practise using school vocabulary and modal verbs;

            -select words on topic “School life”;

            -watch and listen for specific information;

            -compare a day in British and Ukrainian school;

            -name differences and similarities between British and Ukrainian school day;

            -write a post for the blog “Ideal School Day”

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able to list differences and similarities between a school day in Britain and Ukraine and write a post for the blog about an ideal day at school.

Materials: 2 sets of vocabulary words, scissors, video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMUJKH1fFF0, worksheets with a table, A4 paper

Introduction: This lesson reviews vocabulary related to school life, as well as school subjects, activities and time. Learners will watch the video for specific information and complete the table. They will compare a school day in British and Ukrainian schools. Finally they will write a post for a blog “Ideal School Day”.



  1. Warm up / review (5-7 mins)

Make 2 teams. Ask 2 pupils to answer the question and choose 2 pupils from the class. Ask another 2 pupils to answer the questions and choose another 2 pupils. Do so until we have 2 teams.

  • Who do you like to sit with in your classroom?
  • Who do you like to play basketball with?
  • Who can help you with your homework?
  • Who can keep your secrets?
  • Who do you like to play football with?


  1. Play a game “Make a sentence” (in groups)

T – Match the words to make word combinations. Then make sentences using word combinations and modal verbs. Each correct sentence gets a point. The team with the most points is the winner.



my English




English better


new words


many exercises

listen to

spoken English


  1. Play a game “Guess the word” (in groups)

T – There are cards on your desks. Listen to me, guess and find the word.

  1. A place where you borrow books (Library)
  2. The vegetable with a strong smell and flavour, usually brown on the outside and white inside (Onion)
  3. You can eat this round fruit during the break (Orange)
  4. You use it at Maths lessons (Calculator)
  5. The time when children do not go to school (Holidays)
  6. You don’t go to school on this day (Sunday)

T – Cut out the first letters from these words. Guess the new word. (SCHOOL)

T – What are we going to talk about today?

T – And by the end of the lesson you will be able to list differences and similarities between a school day in Britain and Ukraine and write a post for the blog about an ideal day at school.


  1. Presentation of new material (10 mins)

T – You are going to watch a video about a day at school in Britain. Try to guess which words you will hear. Write them down into your exercise-books. (words are written on the blackboard, too)






T – Watch the video and circle the words you hear.


T – Stand in a circle. Change places

  • if you are girls,
  • if you wear trousers,
  • if you have short hair,
  • if you like English,
  • if you washed your face today,
  • if you like sweets.


T – Work with your new partner. Watch the video again and complete the table with the information about the British school.





  1. uniform



  1. school starts



  1. 1st lesson starts



  1. lunch time



  1. what is on the menu



  1. 3rd lesson starts



  1. end of school day



  1. subjects




T – Compare it with your partner. Are there any differences?


  1. Practice of new material (10 mins)


T – In pairs complete the second part of the table. Write down the information about our school.

T – In groups of 4 think of 3 differences and 3 similarities. Write them down.


  1. Application of new material (10 mins)


T – Stand in a circle. Go round. If I say 2 – grab 1 person. If I say 3 – grab 2 people. What should you do?

T – Work in your new group. Think of an ideal day at school. Write a post for your blog “My Ideal School Day”. You may write about …..(students’ ideas) :  school uniform, school subjects, lunchtime, breaks, the beginning and the end of a school day.


  1. Summing up activities / Homework (3 mins)


T – What can you do now?

T – Do Exercise 1, p.61 and write a letter to a foreign friend telling him about your day at school.


До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 квітня 2018
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