Розробка уроку з англійської мови для 5 класу на тему "My favourite subject"

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Поданий план-конспект уроку рекомендований для 5 класу при вивченні теми " School life. School subjects". Запропоновані види діяльності сприятимуть розвитку в учнів навичок говоріння, аудіювання, граматики, письма.
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Розробка уроку

Тема: Шкільне життя

Підтема: Мій улюблений урок.

Мета:  ознайомити  учнів  з новими словами та повторити вивчену раніше   лексику,  відпрацьовувати її в усному та писемному мовленні,  повторити The Past  Simple Tense,  формувати комунікативні, писемні, граматичні, слухові навички, розвивати пам’ять, логічне мислення,   правильність вимови звуків та мовну здогадку; прищеплювати  любов до англійської мови.                                                                                                                                           


                                            Хід уроку:

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Greeting and aim.

T: Good morning, dear children!

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: Nice  to see you! How are you?

P: We are glad to see you too! We are ….

 T: Tell me, please, what day is it  today?

P: It`s Monday.

T: What date is it today?

P: It`s the tenth  of  December.

T: Describe the weather, please.

 Учні описують погоду.

T: Do you like this weather? Why?

Учні відповідають.





T: Today we`ll  

                        - speak about your favourite  subject;

                        - learn the new words;

                        - revise the names of different school subjects;

                        - do listening activity;

                        - revise grammar :  The  Past  Simple Tense ;

                        - practice the grammar.

  2. Warming up.

Учитель звертає увагу учнів на вірш “Summer is over’’, записаний на дошці. Учні вивчають його, повторюючи за вчителем.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку.                         

1. Vocabulary Practice.

A.  Now open your vocabulary and write down new words in it.

(слова на мультимедійній дошці)

                               sum – арифметична задача;

                               mix up – змішувати;

                               chemicals – хімікати;

                               Chemistry – хімія.

Закріплення нової лексики:

T: Now repeat these words after me and read them one by one.

B.  Повтореня назв шкільних предметів.

Now look at the sheets of paper and match the activity to the subject.


1. Maths

2. Literature

3. Ukrainian language

4. English

5. History

6. Geography

7. Physics

8. Chemistry

9. Biology

10. Music

11. Art

12. PT

13. Computer Science


a. Learn to operate the computer.

b. Count, to do sums.

c. Read novels, stories, tales; discuss the characters and their deeds, moods.

d. Play ball games, run, jog, jump, move a lot, do exercises.

e. Learn to write, learn spelling rules and grammar.

f. Learn to speak, read and write; listen to other people speaking.

g. Learn about the laws of nature, people, animals and plants.

h. Listen to music, sing songs.

i. Learn about continents and countries, rivers, seas.

j. Draw, paint, learn about famous artists.

k. Study substances, their behavior under different conditions.

l. Learn about the events that happened in the past, the way of life of people at different times.

m. Study such forces as heat, light, sound, how they affect objects.

2.Listening Comprehension.

A. Pre-Listening Activity.

T: Now  let’s speak about your favourite school subjects. Do you have ones?  So tell me what is your favourite  school subject? Why do you like it? How do you study this subject?

 Декілька учнів розповідають про свій улюблений предмет.

B. While- Listening Activity. 

T. Listen to Oksana’s story about her favourite subject and then  do the task.

Hi! My name is Oksana. I like my school life. My favourite subject is English. I know it is very important as it has become the most used language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations in the world. It is also the language of great literature. Such writers as William Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens and Bernard Shaw wrote in English. It gives me great pleasure to read their books in the original. I learn English at school and in the English club. I also read English books, magazines and newspapers. I watch video films and listen to songs in English. I have a Walkman, so I often listen to songs. I write new words on little cards and look them through every evening before going to sleep. I hope that in the future I’ll speak English fluently.

C. Post- Listening Activity. 

Read every  sentence and put T if it is true or F if it is false.

1. Oksana likes her school life.

2. Her favourite subject is Maths.

3. A lot of politics of the past wrote in English.

4. Oksana learns English only at school.

5. She writes new words  on little cards.

6. She hopes to go abroad.


 3. Work in groups.

Task №1

T: Pupils, you are well done. Now all pupils  unite in 4 groups.

    Firstly you have to make up school subjects from the letters. You have one minute.

   ( кожній групі роздається аркуш із завданням)

1. AMSUTIHSCM               (Maths, Music)

2. ERANTHSGIL                  (English, Art)

3. HEGSOTORGYRYAPHI  (Geography, History)

4. UKRATARNINIAN          (Ukrainian,  Art)

Task  №2

Guess about what school subject is the sentence.

(речення на мультимедійній дошці)

1. We do sums.                                              ( Maths)

2. Draw vase, fruits and vegetables.              (Art)

3. Mix up chemicals.                                     (Chemistry)

4. Take the map.                                            (Geography)

5. Read about war.                                         (History)

6. Play football.                                              (P.T.)

7. Learn foreign words.                                  (English)


T: Now tell me, please. At what subject do use such things?

1.Map. 2. Dictionary. 3. Album. 4. Ball.  5. Computer.

T: Well done! I can see that you know this information.

(Кожна команда отримує грамоту)

 4. Practising Grammar.

Повторення граматичного матеріалу:  The Past  Simple  Tense.

T: Now children  we revise grammar. Please, tell me what information  do you know about  The Past  Simple  Tense.?

(учні розповідають про вживання й утворення цього часу)

Контроль розуміння граматичного матеріалу.

(речення на мультимедійній дошці)

T: Now children let`s practice grammar. You can see 3 sentences. You have to find  mistakes and correct them.

1. He finds the book yesterday.

2. She doing the  sum two hours ago.

3. We went to  Kyiv next month.

(декілька учнів отримують індивідуальні завдання)

Task 1

Translate the sentences into English.

1.Я був у Харкові минулого літа. 2.Він зробив зарядку. 3. Вона повернулася додому. 4. Ми не були в Одесі. 5.Іван виконав цю вправу. 6. Наталка купила хліб. 7. Він переклав текст на англійську мову.


Task 2

Recollect 3 forms of the irregular verbs and write them down.

to do                         to be                                     to blow                          to know

to make                    to come                                to fall                              to show

to put                       to dig                                    to have                            to shut

to run                       to speak                                to read                             to get


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.


 Make up a test in topic “School  subjects” or “The Past  Simple  Tense”.


T: You  revised and  learnt some  words , revised grammar, spoke about different school subjects and your favourite ones, practiced the grammar. I want to say that I liked all students because all worked hard at the lesson. But I want to mention that students (names) worked harder than other pupils and upraises their answers as excellent.



Барометр настрою.

Як ви оцінюєте свій настрій: похмуро, ясно, сонечко.


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