Розробка уроку з англійської мови за темою: «Мистецтво в нашому житті»

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Вечірня (змінна) школа №20 м. Києва











Розробка уроку з англійської мови за темою:

«Мистецтво в нашому житті»

(12 рік навчання, рівень стандарту)








       вчитель англійської мови

       Дяченко Валерій Миколайович









Урок англійської мови в 12-А класі вечірньої (змінної) школи № 20 м. Києва

Тема: Мистецтво в нашому житті

Підтема: відносні займенники

Мета уроку:

- Активізувати лексичний матеріал по темі у мові учнів, ознайомити їх з жанрами живопису; тренувати учнів у говорінні,  читанні з повним розумінням тексту;

- Розвивати уміння самостійно аналізувати твори живопису, вміння висловлювати свою думку по темі уроку, навички, читання та говоріння, адекватно реагувати в ситуації спілкування;

- Виховувати духовність, естетичний смак, інтерес і повагу до живописних пам'яток людства.


Обладнання: мультимедійний комп’ютер, проектор для демонстрації презентацій, дошка (whiteboard), презентації про відомих художників.


Хід уроку.


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення:

1. Привітання:

 - Good morning, pupils.

 - Glad to see you. ( We are glad to see you, too.)

 - How are you all today? (We are fine, thank you. How are you?)

 - I’m fine, thanks. - What date is it today? What day is it today?

 - Do you remember the English proverb about health? Say it together, please. «Good health is above wealth».


2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.


Today we are going to get acquainted with the life and the creativity of two great painters. We will better understand the creative and life path of two personalities, their creativity, their masterpieces, and at the same time we will learn to talk about the value of art in our lives.


3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

At the beginning of our lesson I woud like to quote an expression of an English writer Samuel Butler:  

Every man`s work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.

What do you think about it?

(Учні обговорюють афоризм про мистецтво та висловлюють свою думку щодо неї.

For instance: Every artist or a poet or a writer embodies in his works his own experience, feelings, dreams)




II. Основна частина уроку:

1. Перевірка домашнього завдання:

- перевірка домашнього завдання


2.  Підготовка учнів до читання. Робота зі словами перед початком
landscape- пейзаж
sketch-book- альбом для етюдів, замальовок

water-colour - акварель

oil - олійна фарба

preserve- зберігати

praise- хвалить

property- власність


3.  Перегляд та читання слайдів презентації про відомих художників 


John Constable was born in 1776 in East Berghold, England. In 1799, Constable persuaded his father to let him pursue a career in art, and Golding granted him a small allowance. In 1819 he was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy

From 1809, his childhood friendship with Maria Bicknell developed into a deep, mutual love. And they married in 1816.  After the birth of their seventh child in January 1828, Maria fell ill and died of tuberculosis at the age of 41. He died on the night of the 31 March 1837, apparently from heart failure, and was buried with Maria.

He was impressionist artist. Most of his pictures are arts about nature. "When I sit down to make a sketch from nature, the first thing I try to do is to forget that I have ever seen a picture". Although Constable produced paintings throughout his life for the "finished" picture market of patrons and R.A. exhibitions, constant refreshment in the form of on-the-spot studies was essential to his working method.

Constable's watercolours were also remarkably free for their time: the almost mystical Stonehenge, 1835, with its double rainbow, is often considered to be one of the greatest watercolours ever painted. When he exhibited it in 1836, Constable appended a text to the title: "The mysterious monument of Stonehenge, standing remote on a bare and boundless heath, as much unconnected with the events of past ages as it is with the uses of the present, carries you back beyond all historical records into the obscurity of a totally unknown period."


4. Обговорення змісту тексту.

1. Who is this text about?
2. Where was he born?
3. When did he begin to take an interesting in drawing?
4. When and where did he exhibit his oil paintings and water-colours?
5. What kind of painter was Constable?
6. When did he die and where was he buried?



5. Перегляд та опрацювання наступної презентації:


Salvador Dali is a Catalan artist, sculptor, engraver, and writer, one of the most outstanding surrealists of the twentieth century.


Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904, in the family of notary Salvador Dali-i-Cusi (1872 - 1952) and Felipa Domenech (1874 - 1921) in the town of Figueras in Catalonia, in northeastern Spain. He was born nine months after the death of his brother, also known as El Salvador (1901-1903). When he was five, his parents took him to their brother's grave and said he was his reincarnation. 


Towards the 1980s, health problems began in Dalí. Frank's death stunned and frightened Dali. As a patriot, he could not calmly change the fate of Spain. Doctors suspected Dali of Parkinson's disease. This disease once became fatal for his father. Gala died on June 10, 1982. Although their relationship could not be called close, Dalí took her death as a terrible blow.


In June 2017, a court in Madrid ruled to exhume the remains of Salvador Dali. This decision was made by the court, considering the claim of a resident of Girona, Maria Pilar Abel, who called herself a clairvoyant and claimed that the artist is her father. On July 20, the coffin with the body of Salvador Dali was uncovered, and an exhumation was carried out to verify . DNA examination showed that they are not related.


  1. Вправа “True or false”

T: The next task is to decide whether the statements are true or false.

  1. Salvador Dali was born  on May 11, 1904.
  2. He was born in the family of a teacher
  3. Salvador Dali suffered from deafness.
  4. His wife’s name was Francoise.
  5. She died in 1981.
  6. Dali was buried in Salamanca.
  7. Maria Pilar Abel was Dali’s daughter.


  1. Опрацювання граматичного матеріалу про відносні займенники.

We have just learn some information about two great painters whose contribution in the world’s culture is immense. Now tell me, please, what a part of speech is the word “whose”, what role  it plays in the sentence? So, we will talk about relative pronouns.

Перегляд презентації про відносні займенники. Коментар наведених прикладів, звертання уваги на місце займенників в реченні, їх синтаксичну  та пунктуацію.



  1. Письмове виконання вправи на вживання відносних займенників у реченнях.

Вправа демонструється на екран. Учні переписують речення та вставляють необхідні займенники у пробіли.



Після виконання вправи, учитель натискає на кнопку на сайті, яка показує правильні відповіді.

Учні звіряють своє написання з правильними відповідями. ІІІ Заключна частина уроку

  1. Підведення підсумків уроку.


Бесіда з учнями

T: It’s time to finish our lesson. Tell me, please, what topic were we discussing today? What did you do interesting, difficult at the lesson?

  1. Рефлексія

What is your mood at the end of our lesson? How do you evaluate your work during our today’s meeting?

  1. Домашнє завдання

T: Your homework for the next lesson is to write an essay on the topic

“Art in our life”.

  1. Закінчення уроку

The lesson is over. Send a beautiful smile to each other. Thank you. See you next lesson. Good bye.


                                      Список використаних джерел:

  1. https://vseosvita.ua/library/rozgornutij-konspekt-uroku-z-anglijskoi-movi-zivopis-v-nasomu-zitti-painting-in-our-life-dla-ucniv-10-klasu-485839.html
  2. https://naurok.com.ua/konspekt-uroku-z-angliysko-movi-po-temi-zhivopis-10-klas-43787.html
  3. https://vseosvita.ua/lesson/lesson-17-mystetstvo-v-nashomu-zhytti-napysannia-ese-565764.html
  4. https://naurok.com.ua/prezentaciya-the-world-of-painting-z-angliysko-movi-dlya-10-klasu-na-temu-mistectvo-4110.html
  5. https://super.urok-ua.com/konspekt-uroku-z-angliyskoyi-movi-dlya-11-klasu-tema-mistetstvo-zhivopis-svit-kartin/

























                    Спальня в Арле (первый вариант)  







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