Розробка уроку з теми "Довкілля" в 9 класі

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Тема уроку: Зміна клімату

Комплексний урок з розвитку навичок читання,говоріння, аудіювання;

граматичних та лексичних навичок перетворення прямої мови в непряму та навчання письма дискурсивного есе.

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THEME: Climate change

OBJECTIVES: to develop reading, speaking, listening skills

                          to practice using reporting verbs ( warn, tell, ask,    

                          promise suggest advise )

                          to teach writing a discursive essay 

MATERIALS:  text for reading “ What is climate change?”,

                          text for listening “ Climate conference collapses”



I. Warm up.


T: Look at the map and answer these questions.


1) Which countries produce the most CO2?


a) developed countries

b) developing countries

c) both


2) How many tones of CO2 are produced per person in your country?



T: Work in pairs. Decide if these statements are true or false.



  1.  The “greenhouse effect” is caused by the release of carbon-based gases.
  2. Britain’s coal industry is producing more carbon-based gases.
  3. The USA produces more harmful gases than any other country in the world.
  4. All experts agree that global warming is part of a natural weather cycle.

     5. Only the industrially developed countries are responsible for    global warming.




II. Reading.


1) T: Read the article quickly and choose the best title.


a) The weather in Europe

b) The world’s changing climate

c) Climate and the international community.



The Earth’s weather is always changing. In the past, natural events caused these climatic changes but now scientists use the phrase ‘climate change’ to talk about changes which started with the growth of industry in the nineteenth century. The changes people are worried about now are the result of human behavior – not natural changes in the atmosphere.



We all know about the 2003 heat wave in central Europe and Hurricane Katrina which hit the USA in 2005. Scientists are studying these events and other evidence of climate change to predict our future weather. A very important  part  of  their  work  is  looking  at  the long-term effects of climate change on our environment. For example, water is extremely important for human life. Is rainfall going to increase? Or will there be more hot weather and less rain? Some people believe that water is so important that there will be wars about it in the future.



There are a lot of things we can do to slow down climate change. Instead of using coal, oil, and gas, we will need to get more of our energy from renewable sources such as the sun, wind and water. There already land and sea wind farms in Europe and in the next ten years government are going to build more. We can also be more environmentally – friendly in our own lives. For example, when you go to bed tonight, are you going  to turn of the TV and computer or leave them on standby? This weekend, are you going to use public transport or drive your car? There are a lot of things we can do at home to help save energy and reduce pollution.





Do you know about Kyoto Protocol? The countries of the United Nations met in Kyoto, Japan in 1997 and agreed to try to control climate change. In 2005, the Protocol, or agreement, - became international law. The countries which signed the agreement are going to reduce their greenhouse gases by 5.2% before the end of 2012. The only two industrial countries that didn’t sign the agreement are the USA, the world’s biggest polluter, and Australia.



2) T: Read the article carefully and match the headings A, B, C, D, or E with the paragraphs. There is one extra heading.


A. Changing our behavior

B. Climate change and the future

C. The importance of recycling

D. International action

E. What is climate change? 

3) T: Read the article again. Tick true and cross false.


According to the text:

  1. in the past, the world’s climate didn’t change.
  2. nowadays, all climate change is natural.
  3. scientists don’t know exactly what will happen to our weather in the future.
  4. there will probably be wars about water.
  5. there won’t be any more wind farms in Europe.
  6. it’s a waste of time to save energy in your home.
  7. the Kyoto Protocol was an agreement between Asian countries.

III. Listening.

T: listen to the text. What verbs are used in the text to report these statements? Choose from the list.

To warm, to declare, to agree, to deny it was, to remind…that, to claim that, to suggest that.

     1.  We’re afraid that this lack of agreement will mean more pollution.

2. OK, we’ll cut emissions by 8%.

3. We are one of the few countries to have reduced their emissions.

  1. Remember you have not met the targets.

5. We’re not making excuses.

6. The world is warming faster than at any time in the last 10000 years.

7.It’s probably part of natural weather cycles.


IV. Speaking.

T: Do you agree or disagree with the ideas. Discuss in pairs.

1. The most severe threat to the environment comes from air travel.

2. In the past business and environmental issues have always been in opposition to each other.

3. We cannot delay action any further – steps have to be taken.

4. One of the main problems is that people do not realize how bad the situation actually is.

V. Writing.                                        

T: Look at the essay task. Where would you put notes a-f in the outline plan below?

Task: Write an essay about environmental issues. In your essay, consider the following aspects:

  • current threats to the environment
  • the relationship of business issues and the environment
  • any action that your believe should be taken.

Give reasons for your ideas.


  1. businesses need resources
  2. transport requirements
  3. close down polluting factories
  4. profits need to be controlled
  5. run publicity campaign
  6. growing demand for consumer goods


     1.current threats to the environment………………………...


  1. the relationship of business issues and the environment………

3. any action that you believe should be taken………………….


VI. H/T: ex. 7, 8, p. 91( Match the sentences with appropriate reporting verbs and report the short dialogues).





31 жовтня 2018
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