Розробка завдань до тексту "Advertising"

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Розробка завдань до тексту мала метою створити тісний контакт з текстом завдяки поетапному виконанню низки завдань,активна робота учнів завершується створенням свого продукту. Тренувальні вправи дають учням можливість утворювати асоціативні заготовки, які можуть бути використані учнями в процесі розвитка критичного мислення і створенні своїх власних зразків
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Ex.1 Pre-reading task :Work in groups of  3. Voice your opinion Make quick notes in answer:                                                                                                                                      Do you pay attention to the advertisements ? Why ?                                                          Where can advertisements be seen?

Who are often involved in advertising campaigns ?

 What is a walking billboard ?

Ex.2 Read the text and find the answers to the questions from Ex.1 :


Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of  those products and services through the creation and reinforcement of «brand image» and «brand loyalty». Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including television, radio, magazines, newspapers, the Internet and billboards. Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency. Advertisements are seen on the seats of shopping carts, on the walls of an airport walkway, on the sides of  buses, and heard in telephone hold messages and in-store public address systems. They parties, religious organizations, and military recruiters are often placed anywhere an audience can easily or frequently access visual, audio and printed information.

 Organizations that frequently spend large sums of money on advertising that sells what is not, strictly speaking, a product or service include political. Non-profit organizations are not typical advertising clients either, and may rely on free models of persuasion, such as public service announcements. Celebrities are often involved in advertising campaigns such as television or print adverts to advertise specific or general products.                                                                                                  A human billboard is someone who applies an advertisement on his or her person. Most commonly, this means holding or wearing a sign of some sort, but also may include wearing advertising as clothing or in extreme cases, having advertising tattooed on the body. Sing-holders are known as human directionals in the advertising industry, or colloquially as sign walkers or sign twirlers.                                                                 Online advertising is a form of promotion that is used by the Internet and World Wide Web for the purpose of  delivering marketing messages to attract customers. Unsolicited Commercial Email and other forms of spam have become so prevalent as to have become a major nuisance to users of these services, as well as being a financial burden on Internet service providers.

Advertising slogans are short, often memorable phrases used in advertising campaigns. They are claimed to be the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of a product.

Ex.3 Discuss  the question     How can advertising help companies to benefit .Brainstorm as   many points as possible. Use the prompts from  below:


Match the word partnerships (1-6) with their explanations (a-f).

1 to take advantage of an opportunity

a) to offer a larger variety of goods

2 to raise somebody's status

b) to do or provide something that is necessary





3 to enter a market

' c) to do something when you get the chance to do it

4 to extend a product range

d) to make an important discovery or change

5 to meet a need

e) to start selling goods or services in a new area

6 to make a breakthrough

f) to make somebody look or feel more important

Ex.4 Fill in the correct prepositions .( consult the text if  necessary )

1attempt --------; 2 rely---------; 3 spend money------; 4 involve----; 5 ----the purpose---;6 become a nuisance----; 7 apply smth.---------;

Ex.5 Fill in the gaps with the word equivalent to the variant in brackets :                                                              1The manager`s goal is to  i______ workers  in the decision-making process. (to encourage) 2 Sometimes you just have to  r_____              your  own judgment. ( to trust )                                                                               3     Advertisements              a_____  promote your business to customers. (to try )                                                                        4 People should consider their financial situation before they s____ m_____  goods.(to pay)                                                      5 He went there for the p_____ making  new business contact. (with the aim   )                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Ex.6 Match the slogans to the  pictures :



Intel Inside


The power of dreams


I’m loving It


It’s all about you


Grab life by the horns

Live on the coke side of life


Top breeders recommend it


Connecting People


Life’s Good


Buy it. Sell it. Love it.


The  CITI Never Sleeps


Impossible is nothing


Because you’re worth




The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand




I swear by Shell



Pure Life


                                                                                Ex. 7 Study  the slogans from the  Ex.6 , decide which things make the advertisement               attractive and correspond them to the main aims of the advertising .Voice your opinion to your classmates and ask them to agree or disagree :          

Product`s benefits and


Promote your

business to customers

Exact numbers, colors, smells, sounds                            

Attract new   customers

Pictures of people actually using the product                          

Establish your

distinct identity


A picture that shows the results  

Improve your sales

Any proven facts

Build sales to boost your bottom line

Ex.8 Use the ideas from Ex.7  and Ex.6 to make   your advertising slogan for any product  or service you`d like to advertise.

E.g.  Слайд1 (1).JPG


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