Самостійна робота. Unit 3. 8 клас. ІІ семестр

Про матеріал
Самостійна робота для 8-х класів за підручником Карпюк О.Д. Unit 3. Lesson 1. Do You Need a Book? Документ вміщує лексичні та граматичні теми. Вчитель зможе перевірити знання учнів за такими темами: використання Present Passive Simple та використання лексичних одиниць теми Do You Need a Book?
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Name:                                                  Grade:                                          Date:


Self Work

Do You Need a Book?

Task 1. Translate the following words and make up sentences with them

  • Надхнення -


  • Успiх –


  • Есе-


  • Правдивий –


  • Одразу пiсля –


  • Досягати –


Task 2. Complete the sentences using AM, IS, ARE to make passive

  • I ____ read different stories by my grandma.
  • She ___ always allowed to invite her friends to the birthday party.
  • Books___ printed by them.
  • This shop___ run by my uncle.
  • The tests___ checked by our teacher.
  • I___often told the latest news.

Task 3. Complete the sentences using PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE

  • Coffee ________________(grow) in Brazil.
  • Turtles________________(kill) for their shell.
  • Monopoly_____________(play) all over the world.
  • The rooms ___________(clean) by the hotel maids.
  • A new president_________(elect) every four years.
  • A lot of phone calls______________(receive) every day.

Task 4. Rewrite the active sentences in passive and translate them into Ukrainian

  • She often reads detective stories.


  • He does not water the flowers every day.


  • Kids love cartoons.


  • Tourists visit the national park every year.


  • Tom writes letters to her sister from time to time.


  • My aunt teaches English at school.



До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
12 липня 2022
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