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Author 1

Author 2
Author 3
A Grandfather
A Grandmother
A Granddaughter
A Dog, named Zhuchka
A Cat
A Mouse
The Turnip 

AUTHOR 1: There lived the grandfather and the grandmother.
Author 2: The grandfather was a very good gardener.

Author 3: In spring he planted a turnip.

AUTHOR 1: The turnip was growing bigger and bigger 

 Author 2: And there came time to take it out.

A GRANDFATHER:  I can’t do it - it's too big! I should call grandmother for help. Grandma, grandma come to help me to pool the turnip out.
A GRANDMOTHER: I am coming, I'll help you with the pleasure, grandpa.

AUTHOR 3: The grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they are pooling hard, but can't pool the turnip out.

A GRANDMOTHER: You know, grandpa, we can’t take the turnip out by ourselves. It’s too deep in the ground. Let’s call our granddaughter to help us.

A GRANDFATHER: It’s a very good idea. Call our granddaughter to help us.

A GRANDMOTHER: Granddaughter, granddaughter come to help us to pool the turnip out.

A GRANDDAUGHTER: I am coming, why didn’t you call me earlier? I can see you are tired already.

AUTHOR 1: The granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out.

A GRANDDAUGHTER: I think we need more help. Let’s call Zhuchka to help us. Zhuchka, Zhuchka come to help us to pool the turnip out.

ZHUCHKA: Woof, woof I am in a hurry to come. Where is that stubborn turnip? We will quickly pool it out all together.

AUTHOR 3: Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out.

ZHUCHKA: It’s not  so easy as I thought it would be. Let’s call the cat to help us. Kitty, kitty come down to help us to pool the turnip out.

A CAT: I am coming. Prrrrr, prrrrr we will pool the turnip out easily.

AUTHOR 4: The cat holding on to Zhuchka, Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out.

A CAT: I believe we need help. Let’s call the mouse. Mouse, mouse, little paws, come and help us to pool the turnip out.

A MOUSE: I am happy to help, especially when all the family is working together.

AUTHOR 1: The mouse holding on to the cat, the cat holding on to Zhuchka, Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard and singing together.

AUTHOR 2: And they pooled the turnip out!

THE TURNIP: Here I am!  I am the turnip – sweet and tasty!

AUTHOR 3: The grandma cooked the turnip and gave everybody a piece of a sweet and tasty turnip.
A MOUSE: It was so lovely.  If you need my help next time, please don’t hesitate and call me again. I like the turnip so much.