Сценарій позакласного заходу "English is Wonderful!"

Про матеріал

Мета заходу: розвивати навички аудіювання, читання, монологічного та діалогічного мовлення;

розвивати увагу, пам'ять, логічне мислення, мовну здогадку;

виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови;

виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу до однокласників;

виховувати чемність, ввічливість, організованість, дисциплінованість.

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Клас: 3

Позакласний захід

Тема: English is Wonderful!



Розвивати навички аудіювання, читання, монологічного та діалогічного   мовлення;

розвивати увагу, пам’ять, логічне мислення, мовну здогадку.



Виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови;

виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу до однокласників;

виховувати чемність, ввічливість, організованість, дисциплінованість.



Обладнання та навчальні матеріали: комп’ютер, мультимедійний проектор, CD - програвач для прослуховування аудіозаписів пісень, мультимедійна презентація , підручник  «English 3» О.Д.Карпюк, дидактичні матеріали до теми, флеш-картки.














English is Wonderful!


Children: Good morning, dear teacher!

                 We are happy and gay.

                 And how are you today?

Teacher:  Good morning, dear children!

                  It’s so nice to see you.

                  I hope you are fine.

Children: We hope you are too.


Teacher:  Children, today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We are going to tell how

                 we like learning English. We’ll recite the poems, sing the songs,

                 dance, play games and have a lot of fun. Let’s start with the poem

                 “English is Wonderful”.


Pupil:      English is wonderful,                                          

                English is great,                                                  

                We can travel to England                                                 

                By plane or by train.                                           

                We should learn it hard,                                      

                We should speak it well                                      

                To make many friends                                        

                And to write e-mail.


Teacher: And now let’s sing the song.


Children: English is easy,                                English is easy, 

                 English is fun!                                  English is nice.

                 Stand on your feet                            Hold up your hands

                 And run, run, run!                            And clap them twice! 

Teacher: We cannot imagine our English lessons without pupils. Meet our


Pupil 1:   Hi, everybody!                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

                Remember me?                                                  

                I’m a girl                                                            

                   My name is Nicky.                                             

                I’m a pupil as you can see.                             

                I am seven. I like TV.


Pupil 2:   I am not seven,

                I am eight. I am a boy

                and that is great!

                My name is Arthur.

                I am a pupil too.

                I like books.

                What about you?


Teacher:  Children, today we have a special guest. Meet your new teacher.


Miss Poppins: Good morning, dear children. I am very glad to meet you.

                          My name is Miss Poppins. I am an English teacher. I am

                          from Britain. I live in London. I teach kids to read, write and

                          speak English. I came to see how you like learning English.                          

 Teacher:  And we even know the song about you. Let’s sing it together.


 Children: Miss Poppins is a teacher.              “I am a super teacher.

                  She teaches all day long.                  I teach kids all day long.

                  She speaks and asks,                        I speak and ask,

                  And gives the tasks.                         And give the task 

                  And then she sings her song,           To sing with me this song:

                                                                           “Miss Poppins is a teacher…”                            

Miss Poppins: Thank you for the song. I like it very much. Let me stay with you.


Teacher:  Certainly. You are welcome to our English lesson.  


Teacher: Children, what do you do at the English lessons? Say the chant.


Children: Read, read, read                               Count, count, count,

                 Read a book.                                     Count to 9.

                 Write, write, write                            1 and 2 and 3,

                 Write a letter.                                    4 and 5 and 6,

                 Speak, speak, speak                          7 and 8 and 9.

                 Speak English.                                  Oh, it’s so fine!


Teacher: Children, do you like English lessons? Let’s act out the dialogues

                about your favourite lesson.

Pupils:   - What day is it today?

               - It’s Tuesday.

               - Oh, good. It’s Sport on Tuesday. I like Sport. And which lesson do

                  you like?

- I like speaking English. English is my favourite lesson.


Pupils:   - What day is it today?

               - It’s Tuesday.

               - Oh, good. It’s Maths on Tuesday. I like Maths. And which lesson do

                  you like?

- I like reading English books. English is my favourite lesson.


Pupils:   - What day is it today?

               - It’s Tuesday.

               - Oh, good. It’s Music on Tuesday. I like Music. And which lesson do

                  you like?

- I like singing English songs. English is my favourite lesson.

Teacher:  And now, children, let’s sing the song.

Children: What day is it? It’s Monday.

                 It is a happy day

                 We’ve got some Maths and do some Sport.

                 Hip-hop, hooray-hooray!


                What day is it? It’s Tuesday.

                 It is a happy day

                 We’ve got the English lesson.

                 Hip-hop, hooray-hooray!


                What day is it? It’s Wednesday.

                 It is a happy day

                 We’ve got some Art and Music.

                 Hip-hop, hooray-hooray!


                 What day is it? It’s Thursday.

                 It is a happy day

                 We write and read, then jump and say:

                 Hip-hop, hooray-hooray!


                What day is it? It’s Friday.

                 It is a happy day

                 We do some work and make some things.

                 Hip-hop, hooray-hooray!


                We go to school on weekdays.

                We’ve got school every day.

                But Saturday and Sunday

                Are surely for play!

Teacher:  And now, children, let’s play a game.

                 What things do you take to your English lessons? Let’s collect your

                 things together.


Children:  We take                         a pen, a pencil, a book, a workbook, a ruler,

                  We don’t take                a pencil box, a vocabulary, an apple, a doll,

                                                         a car, a cat, a dog.


Teacher: I have some riddles for you. Let’s read and guess them.


                I am black and red and blue

                I draw a picture for you. (a pencil)


                I don’t know the ABC

                But I am writing as you see. (a pen)


                The teacher writes on me with chalk

                My face is black

                I cannot talk. (a blackboard)


                I have no tongue

                But tell a tale,

                I have leaves

                But I am not a tree,

                And you can read me. (a book)

Teacher: Children, you know a lot of English poems. Let’s recite them.

Pupil 1:   I love learning English

                I can read, I can write,

                I can speak English too.

                I love learning English

                And what about you?

Pupil 2:   I want to study in Oxford

                And visit British Isles,

                To start my learning English,

                To read, to write and to be bright. 



Pupil 3:   Let us, children study

                To make our wishes true,

                We all are strong and happy

                And gay as well as you.


Pupil 4:   Every morning I go to school

                Our school is beautiful.

                The lessons begin at eight

                And we are ready to read and translate.


Pupil 5:  Tick-tock, tick-tock. It’s nine o’clock.

               School starts at nine o’clock.

               It’s ten o’clock.

               It’s eleven o’clock.

               It’s twelve o’clock.

               Tick-tock, tick-tock. It’s one o’clock.

               School is over at one o’clock.


Teacher:  And now, children, we’ll sing the song about things you do every day.


Children: This is the time I wake up and get up,

                  Wake up and get up, wake up and get up.

                  This is the time I wake up and get up,

                  At 7 o’clock in the morning.


                  This is the time I go to school,

                  Go to school, go to school.

                  This is the time I go to school,

                  At 8 o’clock in the morning.


                  This is the time I play with my friends,

                  Play with my friends, play with my friends.

                  This is the time I play with my friends,

                  At 3 o’clock in the afternoon.


                  This is the time I do my homework,

                  Do my homework, do my homework.

                  This is the time I do my homework,

                  At 5 o’clock in the afternoon.


                  This is the time I help my mum,

                  Help my mum, help my mum.

                  This is the time I help my mum,

                  At 7 o’clock in the evening.


         This is the time I go to bed,

                  Go to bed, go to bed.

                  This is the time I go to bed,

                  At 9 o’clock in the evening.

Teacher:  And now, children, you’ll work in groups. Make up sentences and read


                songs/ we/ English/ like/ singing.

                lesson/ is/ favourite/ English/ my.

                read/ English/ we/ write/ and.

                play/ English/ and/ we/ speak.

Teacher: Children, do you like animals? What poems about animals do you know?

Pupil 6: I’ve got two eyes,                              Two hands, two ears

             A mouth and a nose.                           And lots of hair…

              I’ve got two feet,                                What am I?

             But I haven’t got toes.                         I am a teddy bear!


Pupil 7: I’ve got a pet.                                 It has got one tail and neck.

             Who knows about that?                   Guess what pet is that?

             It has got four legs,                          Of all the animals the best

             It has got one head.                          Is my little pussycat!

Teacher: I know that you like acting out the plays. Some pupils have prepared an

               interesting scene “The Three Little Kittens”.                                                                                                                                           



Author: The three little kittens

               Lost their mittens,

               And they began to cry.

1st Kitten: Oh, Mother dear,

2nd Kitten: We very much fear.

3rd Kitten (crying): That we have lost our mittens!

Cat: Lost your mittens,

        You naughty kittens!

        Then you will have no pie. (The Kittens run away)

Author: The three little kittens

              Found their mittens,

              And they began to cry. (The Kittens run in)

Three little Kittens (together): Oh, Mother Dear,

1st Kitten: (showing the mittens): See here,

2nd Kitten (showing the mittens): See here,

3rd Kitten (showing the mittens): See, we have found our mittens.

Cat: Oh, you’re good kittens!                

 Put on your mittens,

 And you will have some pie. (Gives them pies)

 But I smell a mouse close by.

 (All together): We smell a mouse close by. Good- buy.   (The Cat and Kittens  

 leave the stage).

Teacher: It’s a pity our lesson is over! Thank you very much for your work today.

                And let us ask Miss Poppins if she liked our lesson.


Miss Poppins: Children, I’ve enjoyed your lesson very much. I see that you love

                         English. You are good pupils and nice children. I’d like to see you

                         again. I have some presents for you. Good bye!

Teacher:  Good bye, Miss Poppins!

                 Good bye, boys! Good bye, girls!

                 I hope you had fun!

Children: Good bye teachers! Good bye guests!

                 Good bye everyone!









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Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
14 червня 2018
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